Highly Sensitive Humans Podcast

Self-Compassion for the Highly Sensitive Person

February 15, 2021 Season 1 Episode 13

In this episode, we talk about the importance of cultivating self-compassion as a Highly Sensitive Person. I share the struggles and barriers we often come across, the reasons why it is so important to work on self-compassion and the benefits that can come from it. I share a simple practice that we can start to implement into our day-to-day life along with extra resources below!

Helpful Resources

The Self-compassion bundle (as part of the Highly Sensitive Hub)

Recommended Books

Radical Acceptance: Awakening the Love that Heals Fear and Shame by Tara Brach

Self Compassion by Kristin Neff

The Compassionate Mind (Compassion Focused Therapy)

Comfortable with Uncertainty: 108 Teachings on Cultivating Fearlessness and Compassion

Brene Brown Collection 3 Books Set (Daring Greatly, Rising Strong, The Gifts Of Imperfection)

About Jules...

Jules De Vitto is a Transpersonal Coach who is experienced at helping Highly Sensitive People overcome anxiety, stress and burnout. 

Jules is Highly Sensitive herself and is also passionate about helping Highly Sensitive People to step into their authentic power and ali

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About the Host: Jules De Vitto is a transpersonal coach, trainer and experienced educator. She helps those who identify with the traits of high sensitivity to navigate emotional overwhelm, step into their authentic power and align with their true purpose in life. She is a published author and wrote one of a series of books on Resilience, Navigating Loss in a time of Crisis. Her research has also been published in the Transpersonal Coaching Psychology Journal and Journal of Consciousness, Spirituality, and Transpersonal Psychology. Jules has spent years engaging in deep transformative healing work - she is a Reiki Master and Teacher and has completed Michael Harner’s Shamanic Practitioner Training through the Foundation of Shamanic Studies and a Grief Ritual Leadership Training with Francis Weller.

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