Animals Naturally

How To Have A Naturally Groomed Pet

Suzanne Harris (Taranet)

How to get your pet (or other animal) to be naturally well groomed

In this episode learn why grooming is an important part of a holistic lifestyle for your animal. Discover how to help your horse, dog or other animal to be naturally well groomed.

Links mentioned in this podcast
Ticks - holistic ways to manage these creatures
Colour therapy for animals
Bach Flower Remedies for animals
Tellington Ttouch for Animals

If you'd like more information on how to care for your horse, dog or other animal naturally. Visit my website at for lots of free advice. 
Also find training and education tips if you'd love a career working as a complementary therapist with animals!

You can get more tips and info by on my Social Media or websites:





Aloe Vera Health & Skincare For Your Animals