Mini: The “humans-are-better-at/machines-are-better-at” approach (Valerie Champagne and Sylvain Bruni)

August 17, 2021 Daniel Serfaty

About 20+ years ago, HABA-MABA (Human Are Best At - Machines Are Best At) was a hot topic in human machine interaction design. This notion that if we can partition the world into two categories: things that machines are good at and things that humans are good at, we can design that world, and everybody will be happy. 

Obviously, it didn't happen because, and this is Daniel’s question to Valerie Champagne of Lockheed Martin and Sylvain Bruni of Aptima, is there something else when we design an intelligent cognitive assistant today, that it's not just enough to have a human expert in that and a machine expert in that, we also must engineer, the team of the human and the assistant together? 

Listen to the entire interview in Intelligent Cognitive Assistants with Valerie Champagne and Sylvain Bruni.