Beautiful People Podcast

ADDICTION: Healing Beyond Recovery – Mike Govoni, Somatic Experiencing Practitioner


"The only source of knowledge is experience" - Albert Einstein.

Mike Govoni is a Certified Integrative practitioner.

Mike specializes in trauma resolution, specifically psychophysiological (mind/body) conditions, substance abuse, stress related trauma, chronic illness, and extreme nervous system dysregulation.

He began his training as an Integrative practitioner under the guidance of Dr. Paul Epstein, ND. During that time Mike completed a 3 year mentorship program in the field of Mind/Body healing while  attaining a certification in holistic health & wellness coaching.

Following his CARC training, he supported three major hospital emergency rooms in a clinical setting where Mike gained first-hand experience working with patients suffering from opioid addiction and other substance abuse related issues.

In recent years he's strengthened his practice by completing the Salt City Psychedelic Therapy Program to support people to process and integrate therapeutic entheogenic experiences. He also believes in the power of mindfulness to heal and transform.

After experiencing the benefits of the practice in his own life. Mike received his mindfulness meditation teacher certification under renowned practitioners Tara Brach Phd and Jack Kornfield Phd.

While Mike's formal training has helped him build a wide base of knowledge, he believes his personal path to healing was his most valuable asset.

Should you choose to work with Mike, you’ll know you have a compassionate ally who has gone through the process himself and is here to help others like you on their journeys to greater health, healing and awakening!

Connect with Mike:

Incredible episode. Please share Mike's contact information with those who you feel will benefit most. ENJOY BEAUTIFUL PEOPLE!! XOXO