Dismantling Dissonance

Episode 32: Curtis J. Stewart

Bailey Poesnecker

CURTIS STEWART is a multi Grammy-nominated violinist/composer who enjoys bouncing between MTV specials with Wyclef Jean and sold out shows at Madison Square Garden with Stevie Wonder to stints at the Kennedy Center with the Jimmy Heath Big Band and runs at the Guggenheim, MoMA and Whitney Museums in NYC. Curtis has performed as a classical soloist at Lincoln Center, with the New York Philharmonic Bandwagon, as well as held chamber music residencies at Carnegie Hall, the MET Museum and National Sawdust. His work realizes a vision to find personal and powerful connections between styles, cultures, and music. Curtis teaches at The Juilliard School, Perlman Music Program, has been commissioned to write works for the Royal Conservatory of music, The Virginia Symphony, The Eastman Cello Institute, New York Festival of Song, PUBLIQuartet, and Carnegie Hall: Play/USA.  www.curtisjstewart.com

"I have always grappled between being an educator, a creator/composer, a writer of verse, an improviser, quartet-mate, band-mate, administrator.   I can’t seem to sit still in one role, and I have never seen myself as such - both because I am trying to survive as an artist, and because my passions for each one of the above vie for attention at all times.  I left teaching highschool for 10 years because the NYC Department of Ed was totally inflexible with me taking off days for performance.  I began creating my recent album OF POWER in my living room because I couldn't get together with my friends in PUBLIQuartet. In the end, it all balances on supporting myself just enough to be able to express and create from a place of authenticity, vulnerability and invention." ~ CJS