Dismantling Dissonance

Episode 20: Leila Ramagopal Pertl and the Birthright of Music Education

Bailey Poesnecker

Leila Ramagopal Pertl is an Instructor in Music Education and harp at Lawrence University, Deep Listening Instructor for the Center for Deep Listening, and the Music Education Curator of the Mile of Music Festival, in Appleton Wisconsin where Leila and her team lead 60 hands-on music-making events for its over 75,000 visitors each year.  She created the innovative music curricula at Next Generation School in Champaign, IL and at Appleton Public Montessori, Appleton, Wi, where music is treated as a core subject; each student taking music class every day and being immersed in drumming, dancing, singing, improvisation, composition, music theory, and Deep Listening.  She holds a Bachelor of Music degree in Music Education from Lawrence University, a Master of Science degree in Music Education from the University of Illinois and is a recipient of the Pi Kappa Lambda Honors, Excellence in Music Education. She is an active presenter and has recently given presentations and teacher workshops for the Illinois Association for Health, Physical Education and Dance, Appleton Area School District, WMEA State Conference, the International Deep Listening Conference, the Appleton Education Foundation, The Smithsonian Year of Music panel on the Future of Music Education, and co-presented a paper at the Northeastern Philosophy of Education Society at Tufts University: “Hearing the Lines:  The Birth of Childhood and Philosophy through Music.”  Leila was the 2018 recipient of the Mentor Award from the Wisconsin Association of Colleges of Teacher Education (WACTE) and is the WMEA State Chair for Composition and Improvisation. She believes that music is a birthright, and loves being with people in collaborative, creative spaces! 
