Dismantling Dissonance

Episode 22: Keri Anderson and the Importance of Strength Training

Bailey Poesnecker

This week kicks off a mini-arc of episodes that takes a look at a few ways we as musicians can take care of ourselves. Up first, we have Keri Anderson! Keri describes her passion as, "to help people look and perform at their best through fitness, nutrition, and lifestyle coaching." Keri has been the nutrition program coordinator at Lifetime Fitness since 2016, and has been a fitness professional and nutrition coach since 2006. She specializes in both 1:1 and small-group training. Her certifications include Precision Nutrition, ISSA Personal Training and Nutrition, NASM, and RKC.

On top of helping others with their own fitness and nutrition goals, Keri was a pro bodybuilder in 2015, physique and figure competitor, and competed in powerlifting in 2017. She is a wealth of information on this topic and I'm excited to share one of the strategies that has been helpful in maintaining my body so I can continue to play at a high level. * Keep in mind that everyone's needs are different, so it's always recommended to check with a professional before beginning any lifestyle changes*