Bob's Short English Lessons

Learn the English Phrases IT DOESN'T HURT TO and THE TRUTH HURTS

Bob the Canadian Season 1 Episode 249

Read along to practice your English and to learn the English phrases IT DOESN'T HURT TO and THE TRUTH HURTS

In this English lesson, I wanted to help you learn the English phrase, "It doesn't hurt to." This is a phrase we say when we're recommending that someone does something that will actually benefit them. If you're studying for an English test, it doesn't hurt to study every day for weeks on end. So even though I'm using the word hurt, which normally means something painful, I'm actually recommending you do something that's good for you. So if you're learning English, it doesn't hurt to write down the new words that you learn. When you come outside at night, like this at this time of year, it doesn't hurt to wear a little bit of mosquito spray. They're starting to bite my ankles a little bit. So it doesn't hurt if you wear some mosquito spray. The same with when you go out in the sun, if you burn easily, it doesn't hurt to wear a bit of sunscreen.


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The other phrase I wanted to teach you today is the phrase, "The truth hurts." This is something we say in English when, you know, when you tell someone something that's true and it makes them sad, or it makes them upset, we're kind of like, you know, the truth hurts. Sometimes people will tell you the truth because they care about you. Let's say you're not eating healthy and you're not exercising, and you're gaining a lot of weight, and maybe your mom or a relative tells you that you really need to take care of yourself, that might offend you a little bit. You might be like, "I can't believe they told me that I'm overweight, or they told me that I'm not healthy," but we might say, "You know what? Sometimes the truth hurts." When you go to the doctor and the doctor says, you need to exercise more, even if you don't like the advice and it makes you sad or upset, the reality is the truth hurts.

So to review, when you say it doesn't hurt to, you're actually recommending people do something. And like I said, it doesn't hurt to write down a few words or phrases that you learned today. And when you say the truth hurts, you're simply saying that sometimes when someone tells you something that's true, it doesn't always make you happy, but it's still the truth.

Hey, let's look at a comment from a previous video. This comment is from Ruslan. I can't get this in my pocket. I'm actually wearing shorts right now. I don't know if you guys have ever seen me in shorts. Ruslan says, "What beautiful peonies, Teacher Bob. My Granny used to grow them in her summer garden once. The bush was very big and the stems were long. I like these flowers very much." And my response was, I love them. Not only are they beautiful, they smell great too. It doesn't hurt that people like to buy them as well.

So a kind of a funny thing. Thanks, Ruslan, for that comment. So kind of a funny thing happened when I was replying to Ruslan's comment. I'm not sure if he saw me correct it, but as I was typing Ruslan's comment, Jen came in the room and she said the downstairs toilet was running through. When a toilet runs through, that means the water keeps running after you flush it. And I said, oh, that's strange. That normally doesn't happened to that toilet. But I had my text to speech going as I said that. And that ended up in the original comment I left for Ruslan. So, Ruslan, if you saw the first comment before I edited it, that's why I was talking about a toilet running through. And for those of you that don't understand what I was just saying, when you flush a toilet, the water sometimes doesn't stop running and you have to jiggle the handle a little bit and the

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In this English lesson, I wanted to help you learn the English phrase, "It doesn't hurt to." This is a phrase we say when we're recommending that someone does something that will actually benefit them. If you're studying for an English test, it doesn't hurt to study every day for weeks on end. So even though I'm using the word hurt, which normally means something painful, I'm actually recommending you do something that's good for you. So if you're learning English, it doesn't hurt to write down the new words that you learn. When you come outside at night, like this at this time of year, it doesn't hurt to wear a little bit of mosquito spray. They're starting to bite my ankles a little bit. So it doesn't hurt if you wear some mosquito spray. The same with when you go out in the sun, if you burn easily, it doesn't hurt to wear a bit of sunscreen.

The other phrase I wanted to teach you today is the phrase, "The truth hurts." This is something we say in English when, you know, when you tell someone something that's true and it makes them sad, or it makes them upset, we're kind of like, you know, the truth hurts. Sometimes people will tell you the truth because they care about you. Let's say you're not eating healthy and you're not exercising, and you're gaining a lot of weight, and maybe your mom or a relative tells you that you really need to take care of yourself, that might offend you a little bit. You might be like, "I can't believe they told me that I'm overweight, or they told me that I'm not healthy," but we might say, "You know what? Sometimes the truth hurts." When you go to the doctor and the doctor says, you need to exercise more, even if you don't like the advice and it makes you sad or upset, the reality is the truth hurts.

So to review, when you say it doesn't hurt to, you're actually recommending people do something. And like I said, it doesn't hurt to write down a few words or phrases that you learned today. And when you say the truth hurts, you're simply saying that sometimes when someone tells you something that's true, it doesn't always make you happy, but it's still the truth.

Hey, let's look at a comment from a previous video. This comment is from Ruslan. I can't get this in my pocket. I'm actually wearing shorts right now. I don't know if you guys have ever seen me in shorts. Ruslan says, "What beautiful peonies, Teacher Bob. My Granny used to grow them in her summer garden once. The bush was very big and the stems were long. I like these flowers very much." And my response was, I love them. Not only are they beautiful, they smell great too. It doesn't hurt that people like to buy them as well.

So a kind of a funny thing. Thanks, Ruslan, for that comment. So kind of a funny thing happened when I was replying to Ruslan's comment. I'm not sure if he saw me correct it, but as I was typing Ruslan's comment, Jen came in the room and she said the downstairs toilet was running through. When a toilet runs through, that means the water keeps running after you flush it. And I said, oh, that's strange. That normally doesn't happened to that toilet. But I had my text to speech going as I said that. And that ended up in the original comment I left for Ruslan. So, Ruslan, if you saw the first comment before I edited it, that's why I was talking about a toilet running through. And for those of you that don't understand what I was just saying, when you flush a toilet, the water sometimes doesn't stop running and you have to jiggle the handle a little bit and then the water does stop running.

So anyways, that was what that was all about. Here's another look I know I've been showing you the peonies a lot. In fact, the video coming out on my bigger channel next week, you'll see a lot of peonies as well, but they are just gorgeous tonight. As I'm out here, having a look at them, I really love how they look and I love how they smell. I kind of wish you were here and able to smell them. Our whole property smells like peonies right now and it's just absolutely beautiful.

Anyways, I said I was wearing shorts. You probably can't see, but I'll just kick up my leg so you can. Nice talking to you. I hope you learned a bit of English and I'll see you next time, bye.