Bob's Short English Lessons

Learn the English Phrases TO TAKE THE HEAT and CAN'T TAKE THE HEAT

Bob the Canadian Season 1 Episode 251

Read along to practice your English and to learn the English phrases TO TAKE THE HEAT and CAN'T TAKE THE HEAT

In this English lesson I wanted to help you learn the English phrase to take the heat. When you take the heat for something, it means you're the one who deals with people's anger or criticism in a certain situation. Sometimes at work, because I work at a school, parents might be angry with a certain teacher, but my boss decides to take the heat. That means he'll be the person that talks to the parents. He'll explain to them what happened. And instead of the parents talking directly to the teacher, he'll take the heat, especially if it's something where the teacher really didn't do something wrong. Sometimes with Jen and I, our children are angry with us, and I say to Jen, "Hey, I'll take the heat on this one. I'll go and talk to them. They're really annoyed about something. I'll go and see what's wrong, listen to them, and hopefully I can fix it."


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The other phrase I wanted to teach you today is the phrase can't take the heat. When you say someone can't take the heat, it means they can't handle criticism. It means they don't like it when people are angry with them or when people are very, very critical. Sometimes when you make a mistake, it can be hard to take the heat. It's not nice when you do something and then people get really annoyed, and then maybe at some point you're like, "I'm gonna quit doing this job because I can't take the heat. I can't take people getting angry with me all the time." This happens sometimes with professional athletes. Sometimes people get really annoyed and they write mean comments online, and eventually they retire or they quit playing the game because they can't take the heat. And I don't blame them. It's not very nice when people are really, really critical.

Anyways, to review, to take the heat means to kind of take the blame, to take the criticism, to handle the angry people if you're in a certain situation. If you're the person who takes the heat, you're the one who talks to them. And when you say that someone can't take the heat, it simply means that in a stressful situation, it's not very good for them. They eventually leave that situation because they just can't take the heat. But, hey, let's look at a comment from a previous video.

This comment is from Unsal. "Hi, Teacher Bob, how are you doing? The plate that appears on the pipe behind you at the end of the video, is the solar panel? Have a great day, thank you for all your amazing lessons, loves from Istanbul." And my response, "You're welcome. No, it's not a solar panel. It's actually the bottom of a birdhouse. The rest of the house rotted and fell off and we just haven't replaced it yet."

So, yeah, at the end of the last video, there's a pipe in the ground with a flat board on top. There used to be an entire birdhouse up there, but at one point the birdhouse kind of rotted and the wind blew it off. And we picked it up, and we were gonna put another birdhouse on top, and we just haven't done that yet. It's just kind of sitting there, so, oh, well. Maybe that's something I'll do this summer. But thanks, Unsal, for that comment.

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In this English lesson I wanted to help you learn the English phrase to take the heat. When you take the heat for something, it means you're the one who deals with people's anger or criticism in a certain situation. Sometimes at work, because I work at a school, parents might be angry with a certain teacher, but my boss decides to take the heat. That means he'll be the person that talks to the parents. He'll explain to them what happened. And instead of the parents talking directly to the teacher, he'll take the heat, especially if it's something where the teacher really didn't do something wrong. Sometimes with Jen and I, our children are angry with us, and I say to Jen, "Hey, I'll take the heat on this one. I'll go and talk to them. They're really annoyed about something. I'll go and see what's wrong, listen to them, and hopefully I can fix it."

The other phrase I wanted to teach you today is the phrase can't take the heat. When you say someone can't take the heat, it means they can't handle criticism. It means they don't like it when people are angry with them or when people are very, very critical. Sometimes when you make a mistake, it can be hard to take the heat. It's not nice when you do something and then people get really annoyed, and then maybe at some point you're like, "I'm gonna quit doing this job because I can't take the heat. I can't take people getting angry with me all the time." This happens sometimes with professional athletes. Sometimes people get really annoyed and they write mean comments online, and eventually they retire or they quit playing the game because they can't take the heat. And I don't blame them. It's not very nice when people are really, really critical.

Anyways, to review, to take the heat means to kind of take the blame, to take the criticism, to handle the angry people if you're in a certain situation. If you're the person who takes the heat, you're the one who talks to them. And when you say that someone can't take the heat, it simply means that in a stressful situation, it's not very good for them. They eventually leave that situation because they just can't take the heat. But, hey, let's look at a comment from a previous video.

This comment is from Unsal. "Hi, Teacher Bob, how are you doing? The plate that appears on the pipe behind you at the end of the video, is the solar panel? Have a great day, thank you for all your amazing lessons, loves from Istanbul." And my response, "You're welcome. No, it's not a solar panel. It's actually the bottom of a birdhouse. The rest of the house rotted and fell off and we just haven't replaced it yet."

So, yeah, at the end of the last video, there's a pipe in the ground with a flat board on top. There used to be an entire birdhouse up there, but at one point the birdhouse kind of rotted and the wind blew it off. And we picked it up, and we were gonna put another birdhouse on top, and we just haven't done that yet. It's just kind of sitting there, so, oh, well. Maybe that's something I'll do this summer. But thanks, Unsal, for that comment.

You might have noticed that I'm sitting in my studio right now. I call it a studio, it used to be the living room, I guess it's really just my office, but studio sounds kind of cool, doesn't it? It's too hot outside, we're in the middle of a heat wave. That's how I came up with using the word heat in my first two phrases. It's over 30 degrees here. That's not super hot, but for this time of year, it feels a little bit early for it to be this hot. So I thought I would do a lesson inside where I have the air conditioning running. And I'm actually the only one home right now, so that makes it a little easier too, to make a video. I don't have to worry about sounds and children fighting and all of the background noises that you might hear when you make a video inside.

So anyways, yes, I'm home right now making this video, it's just too hot outside. As I look outside right now, it just looks really, really warm. So I'm inside. I guess I've mentioned that a few times now, haven't I? Anyways, maybe I'll wrap this video up early. There's definitely more to talk about when I walk around outside, and when I'm inside, there's not. But I did clean my office. I'm not sure if you can tell.

Anyways, thanks for watching. I'll see you in a few days with another short English lesson. Have a great weekend. Bye.