Bob's Short English Lessons

Learn the English Phrases IT'S SO CLOSE I CAN TASTE IT and TO GET A TASTE

Bob the Canadian Season 1 Episode 252

Read along to practice your English and to learn the English phrase I CAN TASTE IT and TO GET A TASTE

In this English lesson I wanted to help you learn the phrase it's so close I can taste it. This is a funny phrase we say in English when something that we're really excited about is going to be happening soon. For me, that would be summer vacation. It's so close I can taste it. I should probably add the word that in there if I wanted to make this grammatically correct. But sometimes we say it and sometimes we don't. It's so close I can taste it or it's so close that I can taste it. I'm really excited about summer vacation. Maybe you're buying a new car and you get that car on Thursday. Maybe you went to the car dealership and you paid for it and you're like, "Ah, I get my new car on Thursday. "It's so close I can taste it." So once again, this is just a phrase we say in English when we're excited about something that's going to happen.


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The second phrase I wanted to teach you is the phrase to get a taste. When you get a taste for something, it means you try it and you find out that you actually like it. It doesn't have to be food, by the way. I should have mentioned this. The word taste is the sense you have when you eat something. Things taste good. So with both phrases, we're using the word taste in a slightly different way. We're not talking about food. But this one can be about food. Maybe you tried some chocolate cake and you really liked it and now you have gotten a taste for it. So when you try it, you get a taste for it. But you can also use it for other things. Maybe your brother-in-law has a sports car and he let you drive it. And now you're getting a bit, you're starting to get a taste for fancier vehicles. So again, whenever you try something and you really like it, we say that you're starting to get a taste for it.

So to review, when you say it's so close I can taste it, it means that you're really excited about something. Maybe you're going to a concert and it's next week. It's so close you can taste it. And then when you get a taste for something it means that you've tried it and you kind of like it, and it doesn't just have to be food. It can be almost anything. I think some people have gotten a taste for my lessons and they kind of like them.

But hey, let's look at a comment from a previous video. This comment is from Letícia. "Hi, Bob, I definitely don't like the hot summer "but I have to deal with it almost all year round "because I live in the tropics." And my response was this. "I don't mind the heat in the middle of the summer. "I need a few weeks, though, to get used to it. "Right now is too soon."

So I've whined in the past about how I don't like the heat. That is true, but a funny thing kind of happens, doesn't it? When you first have a hot day in the spring, if you live somewhere like I do where it's cold and then it gets warm, those first few hot days are really hard to take. They're very difficult because your body is not ready for hot weather. And so I would say that by the middle of the summer, usually I've adapted a little bit. My body has gotten used to the heat and it's not as bad anymore.

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In this English lesson I wanted to help you learn the phrase it's so close I can taste it. This is a funny phrase we say in English when something that we're really excited about is going to be happening soon. For me, that would be summer vacation. It's so close I can taste it. I should probably add the word that in there if I wanted to make this grammatically correct. But sometimes we say it and sometimes we don't. It's so close I can taste it or it's so close that I can taste it. I'm really excited about summer vacation. Maybe you're buying a new car and you get that car on Thursday. Maybe you went to the car dealership and you paid for it and you're like, "Ah, I get my new car on Thursday. "It's so close I can taste it." So once again, this is just a phrase we say in English when we're excited about something that's going to happen.

The second phrase I wanted to teach you is the phrase to get a taste. When you get a taste for something, it means you try it and you find out that you actually like it. It doesn't have to be food, by the way. I should have mentioned this. The word taste is the sense you have when you eat something. Things taste good. So with both phrases, we're using the word taste in a slightly different way. We're not talking about food. But this one can be about food. Maybe you tried some chocolate cake and you really liked it and now you have gotten a taste for it. So when you try it, you get a taste for it. But you can also use it for other things. Maybe your brother-in-law has a sports car and he let you drive it. And now you're getting a bit, you're starting to get a taste for fancier vehicles. So again, whenever you try something and you really like it, we say that you're starting to get a taste for it.

So to review, when you say it's so close I can taste it, it means that you're really excited about something. Maybe you're going to a concert and it's next week. It's so close you can taste it. And then when you get a taste for something it means that you've tried it and you kind of like it, and it doesn't just have to be food. It can be almost anything. I think some people have gotten a taste for my lessons and they kind of like them.

But hey, let's look at a comment from a previous video. This comment is from Letícia. "Hi, Bob, I definitely don't like the hot summer "but I have to deal with it almost all year round "because I live in the tropics." And my response was this. "I don't mind the heat in the middle of the summer. "I need a few weeks, though, to get used to it. "Right now is too soon."

So I've whined in the past about how I don't like the heat. That is true, but a funny thing kind of happens, doesn't it? When you first have a hot day in the spring, if you live somewhere like I do where it's cold and then it gets warm, those first few hot days are really hard to take. They're very difficult because your body is not ready for hot weather. And so I would say that by the middle of the summer, usually I've adapted a little bit. My body has gotten used to the heat and it's not as bad anymore.

Definitely when we have a day in the spring where it's over 25 or 30 degrees, like in May, it just, it's really hard to take. It's very difficult. It's like your body doesn't know how to sweat. Your body doesn't know how to handle the really, really hot weather. But after school's done and I start working outside a lot more, when I work outside every day I start to get used to the heat and it's not as bad anymore. Now, when it's over 30 degrees I will still whine about the heat. I will still say, "Ah, it's so hot outside I can't handle it." But generally, by end of July I can handle the heat pretty good. It's usually not too bad.

Anyways, thanks for watching this little lesson. I'll make another one for you in a couple days. And I hope you're having a good week. Bye.