Bob's Short English Lessons

Learn the English Phrases TO CATCH ON and TO BE A CATCH

July 20, 2022 Bob the Canadian Season 1 Episode 260

Read along to practice your English and to learn the English phrases TO CATCH ON and TO BE A CATCH

In this English lesson, I wanted to help you learn the English phrase "to catch on." Now, I taught this phrase a while ago, and I said it meant to understand something. When you're in a class and the teacher teaches something, eventually you catch on. But it has another meaning as well. When you say that something is catching on or that something is going to catch on, it means that everybody's going to start doing it. I wear blue shirts with a collar, and someday, maybe this will catch on and everyone around the world will wear blue shirts with collars. I doubt that will happen, but anyway, stay tuned because the comment this week uses this phrase. We'll talk about that in a sec.


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The second phrase I wanted to teach you today is "to be a catch." Now, this is kind of a funny statement. When there's a guy or a girl who's really attractive or wealthy or a lot of people think they would make a good partner, we say that that person is a catch. If someone was to marry someone who's a doctor and has a lot of money and drives a fancy car, you might say, "Oh, he's a real catch. He's a catch." Or maybe someone in your family's dating someone whose family is wealthy, and you might say, "Oh, she's a catch."

Anyways, to review, when you catch on or when something catches on, it means that it becomes popular and a lot of people around the world start doing it. And when you say that someone is a catch, it means that they are attractive and people really, really want to date them.

Anyways, let's look at a comment from a previous video. This comment is from Mohd Ags. "You're completely ahead of the game, Mr. Bob, not just one step ahead. You're in a league of your own, I'd say." Thank you. "P.S. I like how people are starting to adopt the three emoji thing at the end of their comments." And my response, "I've noticed that as well. The three emoji thing is catching on."

So I used today's phrase when I replied to Mohd. Thanks, Mohd, for that. Yes, people are starting to put three emojis. I don't know why I started doing that. I usually try to pick three emojis that make some sense. Sometimes, it's just random, but usually, I try to have them make some sense.

Hey, I'm standing in my shed. This is the location. I'm gonna walk out into the sun in a sec, so I'll need my sunglasses. But this is the location, it doesn't look like much now, where the flower shop will be. By the way, the road is right there. Oh, they're loading a big piece of equipment up. But right here is where the flower shop will be. I have to put a stone driveway in here, and I have to kind of build a storefront. That's where the wall that's being built from a fence will go. But anyways, just thought I'd show you that. It needs to be cleaned up quite a bit. It's quite messy. But I will get to that.

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In this English lesson, I wanted to help you learn the English phrase "to catch on." Now, I taught this phrase a while ago, and I said it meant to understand something. When you're in a class and the teacher teaches something, eventually you catch on. But it has another meaning as well. When you say that something is catching on or that something is going to catch on, it means that everybody's going to start doing it. I wear blue shirts with a collar, and someday, maybe this will catch on and everyone around the world will wear blue shirts with collars. I doubt that will happen, but anyway, stay tuned because the comment this week uses this phrase. We'll talk about that in a sec.

The second phrase I wanted to teach you today is "to be a catch." Now, this is kind of a funny statement. When there's a guy or a girl who's really attractive or wealthy or a lot of people think they would make a good partner, we say that that person is a catch. If someone was to marry someone who's a doctor and has a lot of money and drives a fancy car, you might say, "Oh, he's a real catch. He's a catch." Or maybe someone in your family's dating someone whose family is wealthy, and you might say, "Oh, she's a catch."

Anyways, to review, when you catch on or when something catches on, it means that it becomes popular and a lot of people around the world start doing it. And when you say that someone is a catch, it means that they are attractive and people really, really want to date them.

Anyways, let's look at a comment from a previous video. This comment is from Mohd Ags. "You're completely ahead of the game, Mr. Bob, not just one step ahead. You're in a league of your own, I'd say." Thank you. "P.S. I like how people are starting to adopt the three emoji thing at the end of their comments." And my response, "I've noticed that as well. The three emoji thing is catching on."

So I used today's phrase when I replied to Mohd. Thanks, Mohd, for that. Yes, people are starting to put three emojis. I don't know why I started doing that. I usually try to pick three emojis that make some sense. Sometimes, it's just random, but usually, I try to have them make some sense.

Hey, I'm standing in my shed. This is the location. I'm gonna walk out into the sun in a sec, so I'll need my sunglasses. But this is the location, it doesn't look like much now, where the flower shop will be. By the way, the road is right there. Oh, they're loading a big piece of equipment up. But right here is where the flower shop will be. I have to put a stone driveway in here, and I have to kind of build a storefront. That's where the wall that's being built from a fence will go. But anyways, just thought I'd show you that. It needs to be cleaned up quite a bit. It's quite messy. But I will get to that.

Let's sneak out here for a sec though, and see what's going on by the road here. They fixed up a big portion of the road earlier, and it looks like they've come to pick up this big piece of machinery. Let's go take a closer look at it. I think this is the machine that they use to... I think it takes the asphalt from the truck at one end and then it comes out the other end and it goes into a machine that lays it nicely on the road. I think this is kind of an in between machine. As you know, I don't actually know a lot about road building, but I definitely think that that is what that machine is for.

By the way, they didn't pave here, but they paved from the bridge way down there. There's a bridge almost four kilometers to my local town. So that's kinda cool. The people who live there have a nice, new road, and I have some nice, new pavement to walk on when I go for my walk.

Anyways, thanks for watching. Have a good day. I'll see you in a couple days with another short English lesson. Bye.