Bob's Short English Lessons

Learn the English Phrases DUE TO and IN DUE TIME

Bob the Canadian Season 1 Episode 55

Read along to practice your English and to learn the English phrases DUE TO and IN DUE TIME

In this English lesson I wanted to help you learn the English phrase due to. A little while ago, in a comment on a previous video a viewer named Hassane, asked me to talk about the word due. Due to means that you are doing something because of something. Due to the bright sun and the snow reflecting the light, I am wearing sunglasses and a hat with a brim. I'm doing that due to the fact that it's really, really bright out here. I'm doing that because it is really bright. So when you do something due to something else, it means because of. It's a direct replacement, pretty much. So, due to the very bright conditions out here, I am wearing sunglasses and a ball cap with a brim so that I can see. 'Cause otherwise I have to squint. Like it's really bright. The snow really reflects the sunlight and it's just really hard to see. So that's better. Anyways, due to means because of.


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The second phrase I wanted to teach you today is the phrase in due time. So another phrase for you Hassane with the word due in it, when something happens in due time, it happens at the correct time. So let's say students say to me, "When are you going to hand back that test that we did last week?" I would say in due time. What that means is that I'm going to take the right amount of time to grade the test and I'm going to hand it back, not late, not early, I'm going to hand it back in due time. I'm going to do a good job. I'm going to thoroughly look over the tests and I'll hand them back in due time.

So to review when something happens due to something else, it means that it happens because of something else. And when something happens in due time, it means that it happens at the right time I think. Sometimes I think to myself, students want their tests back immediately, but then I would end up grading them really quickly, and I probably wouldn't do a good job. So it's best to hand them back in due time.

Hey, let's look at a comment from a previous video. It's all crumpled up in my pocket, sorry. This is from Natalia Illusion. It's crumpled up due to the fact that I had it in my pocket. There, another good sentence for you. Natalia, hi Natalia. By the way, we should chat some time again Natalia. Natalia and I talked during the summer via Zoom. It was really fun. But I hope things are going well for you over there in Russia. Natalia says, "No one strikes up a conversation with Bob calling them, "Hey Bob, the Canadian. Because everyone around Bob knows English, so they probably don't subscribe to this channel and most importantly, they are Canadians too." And my response was, "That's true, most people in Canada don't have any idea that I have a YouTube channel. I like it that way." So, you know what's unique for me being a YouTuber is that most people in my town, most people in my area don't even know I have a YouTube channel. I would never claim to be famous, but I do have a few subscribers on my YouTube channel, on the bigger one, but people don't usually recognize me. And I kind of like that. I like the fact that the vast majority of my viewers are from other places in the world. Because I didn't start this YouTube channel to get millions of subscribers.

I didn't start this YouTube channel so people would know who I am. In fact, I'm more comfortable with people not knowing who I am. I'm a very private person. When you describe someone in English as being private, they don't like being out in public.

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In this English lesson I wanted to help you learn the English phrase due to. A little while ago, in a comment on a previous video a viewer named Hassane, asked me to talk about the word due. Due to means that you are doing something because of something. Due to the bright sun and the snow reflecting the light, I am wearing sunglasses and a hat with a brim. I'm doing that due to the fact that it's really, really bright out here. I'm doing that because it is really bright. So when you do something due to something else, it means because of. It's a direct replacement, pretty much. So, due to the very bright conditions out here, I am wearing sunglasses and a ball cap with a brim so that I can see. 'Cause otherwise I have to squint. Like it's really bright. The snow really reflects the sunlight and it's just really hard to see. So that's better. Anyways, due to means because of.

The second phrase I wanted to teach you today is the phrase in due time. So another phrase for you Hassane with the word due in it, when something happens in due time, it happens at the correct time. So let's say students say to me, "When are you going to hand back that test that we did last week?" I would say in due time. What that means is that I'm going to take the right amount of time to grade the test and I'm going to hand it back, not late, not early, I'm going to hand it back in due time. I'm going to do a good job. I'm going to thoroughly look over the tests and I'll hand them back into time.

So to review when something happens due to something else, it means that it happens because of something else. And when something happens in due time, it means that it happens at the right time I think. Sometimes I think to myself, students want their tests back immediately, but then I would end up grading them really quickly, and I probably wouldn't do a good job. So it's best to hand them back in due time.

Hey, let's look at a comment from a previous video. It's all crumpled up in my pocket, sorry. This is from Natalia Illusion. It's crumpled up due to the fact that I had it in my pocket. There, another good sentence for you. Natalia, hi Natalia. By the way, we should chat some time again Natalia. Natalia and I talked during the summer via Zoom. It was really fun. But I hope things are going well for you over there in Russia. Natalia says, "No one strikes up a conversation with Bob calling them, "Hey Bob, the Canadian. Because everyone around Bob knows English, so they probably don't subscribe to this channel and most importantly, they are Canadians too." And my response was, "That's true, most people in Canada don't have any idea that I have a YouTube channel. I like it that way." So, you know what's unique for me being a YouTuber is that most people in my town, most people in my area don't even know I have a YouTube channel. I would never claim to be famous, but I do have a few subscribers on my YouTube channel, on the bigger one, but people don't usually recognize me. And I kind of like that. I like the fact that the vast majority of my viewers are from other places in the world. Because I didn't start this YouTube channel to get millions of subscribers.

I didn't start this YouTube channel so people would know who I am. In fact, I'm more comfortable with people not knowing who I am. I'm a very private person. When you describe someone in English as being private, they don't like being out in public. So it might sound kind of funny that I'm a very private person, but I have this YouTube channel where people can watch my videos all the time. If I ever did become really famous, I don't think I would like it. In fact, I would probably wear sunglasses everywhere that I went, because I probably wouldn't want to be recognized. But I don't think that's going to happen. My YouTube channel is actually relatively small compared to other YouTube channels. And I just like the size. I like the people who watch the videos. I like the comments, I enjoy doing it, it's a lot of fun.

Anyways, Bob the Canadian here, I'll see you tomorrow with another short English lesson. Have a great day