Bob's Short English Lessons

Learn the English Term IN COMMON and THE COMMON COLD

Bob the Canadian Season 1 Episode 58

Read along to practice your English and to learn the English phrases IN COMMON and THE COMMON COLD

In this English lesson I wanted to help you learn the English phrase in common. When you have something in common with someone, it means you share the same experience or you share the same characteristics, here's a good example. One of the things that Jen and I have in common is that we both grew up on farms. So you can see that there's something about each of us that is the same. One of the things that all of you have in common, if you are watching this video, the thing you have in common is that you are all learning English. So in English, when you say that you have something in common with someone, it means that you're doing the same thing, or you share the same thing or the same experience. Let me try to think of one more example. One of the things that I have in common with many men who are my age is that my hair is starting to turn a little bit gray. So when you have something in common with someone, it means that there's something similar about the two of you.


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The second phrase I wanted to teach you today is the phrase the common cold. In the winter, especially in Canada we get sick sometimes. One of the things we get is we get a cold, we get the cold so often, or we get a cold so often, sorry, a little mistake there. We get a cold so often that it is probably the most common thing for you to get in the winter here in Canada. So we call it the common cold, if you aren't sure what a cold is, a cold is when you have a stuffed up nose, maybe a little bit of a cough, I'm supposed to cough in my sleeve now, and you just don't feel well so you're a little bit sick. It's different than the flu. Where, when you have the flu, you usually have a fever and a stuffed up nose and a sore throat. When you have the cold, when you have a cold, or when you have the common cold, you can see why I'm making the mistake, right? Because we say, oh, I have a cold or you refer to it as the common cold. So the common cold is the most common illness for you to get here in the winter in Canada and in most places in the world.

So to review, when you have something in common with something I'm really having trouble speaking English today, aren't I? I think it's because it's so bright out, I'm having trouble keeping my eyes open. Let's review, when you have something in common with someone, it means that there's something similar about the both of you, there's something that is the same. Either an experience or how you look or something else. And the common cold is how we refer to the most common illness that you get in Canada in the winter and in most places in the world.

But hey, let's look at a comment from a previous video. I'm laughing at myself because I feel like I'm doing a really bad job today, but I'm just gonna keep going. So hopefully you don't mind a slightly low quality lesson today. Anyways, here is a comment from Qiu Park. This is from yesterday's lesson where Qiu Park says, I like English musicals, and I have not listened to them for a long time. I'm gonna find some and listen to them, thank you Bob. And my response was musicals are awesome, Jen and I have only seen Mamma Mia. We'd love to start seeing more in the future. So if you don't know, a musical is a play, but where people sing during the play, and there are many musicals that you can go see, usually in the city of Toronto.

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In this English lesson I wanted to help you learn the English phrase in common. When you have something in common with someone, it means you share the same experience or you share the same characteristics, here's a good example. One of the things that Jen and I have in common is that we both grew up on farms. So you can see that there's something about each of us that is the same. One of the things that all of you have in common, if you are watching this video, the thing you have in common is that you are all learning English. So in English, when you say that you have something in common with someone, it means that you're doing the same thing, or you share the same thing or the same experience. Let me try to think of one more example. One of the things that I have in common with many men who are my age is that my hair is starting to turn a little bit gray. So when you have something in common with someone, it means that there's something similar about the two of you.

The second phrase I wanted to teach you today is the phrase the common cold. In the winter, especially in Canada we get sick sometimes. One of the things we get is we get a cold, we get the cold so often, or we get a cold so often, sorry, a little mistake there. We get a cold so often that it is probably the most common thing for you to get in the winter here in Canada. So we call it the common cold, if you aren't sure what a cold is, a cold is when you have a stuffed up nose, maybe a little bit of a cough, I'm supposed to cough in my sleeve now, and you just don't feel well so you're a little bit sick. It's different than the flu. Where, when you have the flu, you usually have a fever and a stuffed up nose and a sore throat. When you have the cold, when you have a cold, or when you have the common cold, you can see why I'm making the mistake, right? Because we say, oh, I have a cold or you refer to it as the common cold. So the common cold is the most common illness for you to get here in the winter in Canada and in most places in the world.

So to review, when you have something in common with something I'm really having trouble speaking English today, ain't I? I think it's because it's so bright out, I'm having trouble keeping my eyes open. Let's review, when you have something in common with someone, it means that there's something similar about the both of you, there's something that is the same. Either an experience or how you look or something else. And the common cold is how we refer to the most common illness that you get in Canada in the winter and in most places in the world.

But hey, let's look at a comment from a previous video. I'm laughing at myself because I feel like I'm doing a really bad job today, but I'm just gonna keep going. So hopefully you don't mind a slightly low quality lesson today. Anyways, here is a comment from Qiu Park. This is from yesterday's lesson where Qiu Park says, I like English musicals, and I have not listened to them for a long time. I'm gonna find some and listen to them, thank you Bob. And my response was musicals are awesome, Jen and I have only seen Mamma Mia. We'd love to start seeing more in the future. So if you don't know, a musical is a play, but where people sing during the play, and there are many musicals that you can go see, usually in the city of Toronto.

A long time ago, when Jen and I were a bit younger, we went and saw the musical Mamma Mia, and it was really, really good. But in Toronto, there is a street and on that street there are many theaters, and they're usually in normal times, are many different types of musicals that you can go see. One of the things Jen and I would like to do as our kids get older and start to move out is we would love to go to Toronto once a year and see a really good musical. So Qiu Park, thank you so much for that comment. And reminding me that if the world was normal, there would be a lot more fun and enjoyable things to do, like going to see musicals.

Anyways, Bob the Canadian here, I hope you're having a great day. Sorry for the lesson with a little, a few mistakes in it. I'm still making them, I hope you have a good day.