Bob's Short English Lessons


Bob the Canadian Season 1 Episode 96

Read along to practice your English and to learn the English phrases THREE DAYS A WEEK and THREE DAYS PER WEEK

In this English lesson I wanted to help you learn the English phrase three times a week. Well, not actually the phrase three times a week, but the use of a. Sometimes when we're talking about how often we do something, we use the word a in the phrase. So you might exercise five days a week. You might go to the store one day a week. I make videos four days a week. Sometimes you do something three days a week. So it's simply a way to talk about how often you do something. I used to go visit Jen's parents once or twice a month. So sometimes we stick the word a in when we're talking about how often we do something.


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We also sometimes use the phrase three times per week. Or more importantly, the word per. This is kind of a more formal way to say the same thing. Sometimes you need to take two pills per day, or you need to go to the doctor three times per year. So you can use a or per, almost interchangeably. In my everyday speech though, I often just use a. I often say things like I go to the dentist a couple times a year. I make these videos four times a week. So that's how you use per and that's how you use a. So to review, if you want to talk about how often you do something, you can say that you do it a certain number of times a day, a certain number of times a month, a certain number of times a week, or you can also use the word per and sound a little bit more formal.

Hey, why am I talking about this though? And why am I not reading a comment to you right now? Well, because I picked this phrase because I'm making a slight change on this YouTube channel. Before you get too worried though, I'm not going to stop, I'm definitely going to make videos on this channel for a very long time. But right now I am very, very busy. I'm busy because last semester I was teaching one less class than I am now. At work right now I'm teaching three classes a day. Notice how I'm using the word a, as well. I teach three classes a day, and I was teaching two classes a day last fall. So I'm very busy. I was a little bit part-time last fall, and now I'm full-time again. And because I'm busy at work, I don't have as much time to make English lessons for all of you.

So here's what I'm going to do. I am going to start making three videos a week on this channel, instead of four. I know that might make some of you sad but it's just a change I need to make so I have a better work-life balance. Does that make sense? So I'm gonna make three videos a week instead of four. I was making an English lesson for you every Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday. I'm going to switch it up and there will be a new video every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.

If I do that, it gives me a little bit more time to make my bigger video for my other channel, for my bigger channel. It gives me a little bit more time to prepare for my Friday morning livestream on Fridays, and it will just make my life just a little simpler. So again, I apologize that you will get one less video a week, one less English lesson a week. I'm still using the word a there, did you see that? But I think it will be good.

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In this English lesson I wanted to help you learn the English phrase three times a week. Well, not actually the phrase three times a week, but the use of a. Sometimes when we're talking about how often we do something, we use the word a in the phrase. So you might exercise five days a week. You might go to the store one day a week. I make videos four days a week. Sometimes you do something three days a week. So it's simply a way to talk about how often you do something. I used to go visit Jen's parents once or twice a month. So sometimes we stick the word a in when we're talking about how often we do something.

We also sometimes use the phrase three times per week. Or more importantly, the word per. This is kind of a more formal way to say the same thing. Sometimes you need to take two pills per day, or you need to go to the doctor three times per year. So you can use a or per, almost interchangeably. In my everyday speech though, I often just use a. I often say things like I go to the dentist a couple times a year. I make these videos four times a week. So that's how you use per and that's how you use a. So to review, if you want to talk about how often you do something, you can say that you do it a certain number of times a day, a certain number of times a month, a certain number of times a week, or you can also use the word per and sound a little bit more formal.

Hey, why am I talking about this though? And why am I not reading a comment to you right now? Well, because I picked this phrase because I'm making a slight change on this YouTube channel. Before you get too worried though, I'm not going to stop, I'm definitely going to make videos on this channel for a very long time. But right now I am very, very busy. I'm busy because last semester I was teaching one less class than I am now. At work right now I'm teaching three classes a day. Notice how I'm using the word a, as well. I teach three classes a day, and I was teaching two classes a day last fall. So I'm very busy. I was a little bit part-time last fall, and now I'm full-time again. And because I'm busy at work, I don't have as much time to make English lessons for all of you.

So here's what I'm going to do. I am going to start making three videos a week on this channel, instead of four. I know that might make some of you sad but it's just a change I need to make so I have a better work-life balance. Does that make sense? So I'm gonna make three videos a week instead of four. I was making an English lesson for you every Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday. I'm going to switch it up and there will be a new video every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.

If I do that, it gives me a little bit more time to make my bigger video for my other channel, for my bigger channel. It gives me a little bit more time to prepare for my Friday morning livestream on Fridays, and it will just make my life just a little simpler. So again, I apologize that you will get one less video a week, one less English lesson a week. I'm still using the word a there, did you see that? But I think it will be good.

I don't know how long it will stay this way. The semester goes until the end of June, so I will probably do three videos a week, three English lessons a week for you until the end of June. And then we'll see, maybe I'll start making four a week again in July. Maybe I'll just leave it at three a week. Because, you know, eventually I'll run out of English phrases to teach, won't I? I don't think you can teach four to eight English phrases a week, without eventually running out of phrases.

Anyways, I hope that's okay with you. Bob the Canadian here, hope you're having a great week. I'll see you on Wednesday. Bye.