Bob's Short English Lessons


Bob the Canadian Season 1 Episode 139

Read along to practice your English and to learn the English terms RAIN OR SHINE and MAKE HAY WHILE THE SUN SHINES

In this English lesson, I wanted to help you learn the English phrase, rain or shine. In English, if you say that something is going to happen rain or shine, it means it's going to happen if it rains, it's going to happen if it's sunny. It doesn't matter what the weather ends up being, that event is going to happen. Right now, Jen is at the farmer's market selling flowers. And on Facebook, it said that the market was going to be open today, rain or shine. So that basically means that if it started raining, the market is still going to be open. Luckily, it's actually a very nice, sunny day right now. So the shine part is what's happening. It's not raining. Although when I look way that way to the north where the market is, there are some dark clouds. I hope it's not raining. You just don't sell as many flowers at the market when it rains.


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Hey, the other phrase I wanted to teach you today is a farmer phrase. You may hear this phrase occasionally in English, but farmers say this the most often. And it's the phrase make hay while the sun shines. So when you have to make hay, you need to do it when the sun is shining and when the weather is nice. Rain actually ruins hay. And if you're wondering what hay is, there's a big field of hay right here. In a few days, I will need to cut that hay and it will need to lay in the sun for about three days before I can bale it with my baler. And so often in English, when you say you gotta make hay when the sun shines, you're not just talking about farmers making hay, you're talking about any kind of opportunity where the time is right to do it. So you'll even hear this in regular, everyday English once in a while. Although I must say the phrase is pretty rare. Me and the other farmers jokingly say this once in a while. We'll say, "Well, you know what they say, you gotta make hay while the sun shines."

So to review, when an event is planned to be outside, and if it says it is going to happen rain or shine, it means it's going to happen if it's raining and it's going to happen if it's sunny. It doesn't matter what the weather is, the event's gonna happen. And when you say make hay while the sun shines, you're basically saying, do something when the time is right to do it.

But hey, let's look at a comment from a previous video. This comment is from Guillaume. And Guillaume says, "Hey, Bob, yes, it'd be interesting if you showed us more of your work on your farm. Thanks for the video. Have a good day." And my response is this. I'll try to remember to do that. The problem is that when I go out to do work, I don't always remember to bring my camera. And I'm afraid of breaking it by accident. Maybe I should get a durable action camera. Let me think about it.

So I've thought about that a little bit. I thought about maybe getting a GoPro or some other type of action camera, something that's a little more durable, something that I can clamp onto a part of my tractor when I'm doing tractor work. I might get one. I've looked at a few. Jen is interested as well, because it would be kind of cool when we're trying to show people parts of our farm. Or if I was out here in a few days, cutting this hay, it would be nice to have an action camera so that you could see me doing that. So I'll look into it. I do think it's important to buy new equipment every once in a while so that the videos that you're making on YouTube are even cooler. You can't just use the same equipment all the time. 

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In this English lesson, I wanted to help you learn the English phrase, rain or shine. In English, if you say that something is going to happen rain or shine, it means it's going to happen if it rains, it's going to happen if it's sunny. It doesn't matter what the weather ends up being, that event is going to happen. Right now, Jen is at the farmer's market selling flowers. And on Facebook, it said that the market was going to be open today, rain or shine. So that basically means that if it started raining, the market is still going to be open. Luckily, it's actually a very nice, sunny day right now. So the shine part is what's happening. It's not raining. Although when I look way that way to the north where the market is, there are some dark clouds. I hope it's not raining. You just don't sell as many flowers at the market when it rains.

Hey, the other phrase I wanted to teach you today is a farmer phrase. You may hear this phrase occasionally in English, but farmers say this the most often. And it's the phrase make hay while the sun shines. So when you have to make hay, you need to do it when the sun is shining and when the weather is nice. Rain actually ruins hay. And if you're wondering what hay is, there's a big field of hay right here. In a few days, I will need to cut that hay and it will need to lay in the sun for about three days before I can bale it with my baler. And so often in English, when you say you gotta make hay when the sun shines, you're not just talking about farmers making hay, you're talking about any kind of opportunity where the time is right to do it. So you'll even hear this in regular, everyday English once in a while. Although I must say the phrase is pretty rare. Me and the other farmers jokingly say this once in a while. We'll say, "Well, you know what they say, you gotta make hay while the sun shines."

So to review, when an event is planned to be outside, and if it says it is going to happen rain or shine, it means it's going to happen if it's raining and it's going to happen if it's sunny. It doesn't matter what the weather is, the event's gonna happen. And when you say make hay while the sun shines, you're basically saying, do something when the time is right to do it.

But hey, let's look at a comment from a previous video. This comment is from Guillaume. And Guillaume says, "Hey, Bob, yes, it'd be interesting if you showed us more of your work on your farm. Thanks for the video. Have a good day." And my response is this. I'll try to remember to do that. The problem is that when I go out to do work, I don't always remember to bring my camera. And I'm afraid of breaking it by accident. Maybe I should get a durable action camera. Let me think about it.

So I've thought about that a little bit. I thought about maybe getting a GoPro or some other type of action camera, something that's a little more durable, something that I can clamp onto a part of my tractor when I'm doing tractor work. I might get one. I've looked at a few. Jen is interested as well, because it would be kind of cool when we're trying to show people parts of our farm. Or if I was out here in a few days, cutting this hay, it would be nice to have an action camera so that you could see me doing that. So I'll look into it. I do think it's important to buy new equipment every once in a while so that the videos that you're making on YouTube are even cooler. You can't just use the same equipment all the time. At some point, you need to upgrade. At some point, you need to buy some new stuff so that you can stay with the current trends. Do what's hip and cool, I guess I'm trying to say. So I'll look into it. I think that would be kind of fun, especially one that's less shaky than this one.

Anyways, again, here's a big field of hay that I need to cut in a few days. I'll try to remember to bring my camera when I do it. See you in a couple of days with another short English lesson. Bye.