Bob's Short English Lessons

Learn the English Terms TRIPLE THREAT and DOUBLE WHAMMY

June 16, 2021 Bob the Canadian Season 1 Episode 144

Read along to practice your English and to learn the English terms A TRIPLE THREAT and A DOUBLE WHAMMY

In this English lesson, I wanted to help you learn the English term, a triple threat. A triple threat is a term we use to describe someone who's good at three things. If you think about a hockey player, if I was to describe a hockey player as being a triple threat, it would mean that they're probably a good skater, a good passer, and really good at shooting the puck. They're a triple threat. You might describe a celebrity as a triple threat if they are an amazing actor, singer, and dancer. They can do three things at the same time and do them all well. That person, we would describe as a triple threat.


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The other phrase I wanted to teach you today or the other term is the phrase, a double whammy. A double whammy is when two bad things happen at the same time. If you were driving your car and you got a flat tire and ran out of gas at the same time, we would call that a double whammy, two bad things happening at the same time. I hate it when two bad things happen at the same time. And this did just kind of happen to me the other day. I had the button on the front of my shorts pop off while I was walking, and then I got a hole in my shoe the same time. Or this at the same time. So it was a bit of a double whammy for me.

So to review, a triple threat is a term we use to describe a person who's good at three things, like really good at three things. I think my hockey player example was a good one. Someone who can skate really fast, shoot the puck really well on the net, and pass to other players. We would certainly call a triple threat. And a double whammy is any situation where two things go wrong at the same time. Never any fun when you get a flat tire and run out of gas at the same time.

But hey, let's look at a comment from a previous viewer. This comment is all crumpled up in my front pocket. Look at that. That's not very good. This comment is from Julia. And it's actually a comment from my video on my bigger channel from yesterday. Julia says this, I forgot to mention your smile, and beautiful flower farm, and your brilliant stories. And I love to listen to every, that I love to listen to every Wednesday. And my response was this, I'm bragging a little bit here, I said, I'm a triple threat. You might have to look that one up. Although I did say, maybe I'll do my short English lesson about that phrase today. And that's what I'm doing right now.

So thanks Julia for that comment. It's quite crumpled up. I'm putting it back in my back pocket. It doesn't go in very good, there we go. Thank you so much for that comment. I'm trying not to brag. I don't actually think I'm a triple threat. I just try really hard to do a good job whenever I do something. And I think a lot of you are recognizing that, that part of my character, part of what makes me who I am, part of what makes me tick is that I really like doing a good job whenever I do something. So I'm glad that all of you appreciate that I'm putting a lot of hard work in, teaching these English lessons. Jen, as well. You can actually see her in the distance there, is working hard on our flower farm. Both of us just really enjoy what we do.

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In this English lesson, I wanted to help you learn the English term, a triple threat. A triple threat is a term we use to describe someone who's good at three things. If you think about a hockey player, if I was to describe a hockey player as being a triple threat, it would mean that they're probably a good skater, a good passer, and really good at shooting the puck. They're a triple threat. You might describe a celebrity as a triple threat if they are an amazing actor, singer, and dancer. They can do three things at the same time and do them all well. That person, we would describe as a triple threat.

The other phrase I wanted to teach you today or the other term is the phrase, a double whammy. A double whammy is when two bad things happen at the same time. If you were driving your car and you got a flat tire and ran out of gas at the same time, we would call that a double whammy, two bad things happening at the same time. I hate it when two bad things happen at the same time. And this did just kind of happen to me the other day. I had the button on the front of my shorts pop off while I was walking, and then I got a hole in my shoe the same time. Or this at the same time. So it was a bit of a double whammy for me.

So to review, a triple threat is a term we use to describe a person who's good at three things, like really good at three things. I think my hockey player example was a good one. Someone who can skate really fast, shoot the puck really well on the net, and pass to other players. We would certainly call a triple threat. And a double whammy is any situation where two things go wrong at the same time. Never any fun when you get a flat tire and run out of gas at the same time.

But hey, let's look at a comment from a previous viewer. This comment is all crumpled up in my front pocket. Look at that. That's not very good. This comment is from Julia. And it's actually a comment from my video on my bigger channel from yesterday. Julia says this, I forgot to mention your smile, and beautiful flower farm, and your brilliant stories. And I love to listen to every, that I love to listen to every Wednesday. And my response was this, I'm bragging a little bit here, I said, I'm a triple threat. You might have to look that one up. Although I did say, maybe I'll do my short English lesson about that phrase today. And that's what I'm doing right now.

So thanks Julia for that comment. It's quite crumpled up. I'm putting it back in my back pocket. It doesn't go in very good, there we go. Thank you so much for that comment. I'm trying not to brag. I don't actually think I'm a triple threat. I just try really hard to do a good job whenever I do something. And I think a lot of you are recognizing that, that part of my character, part of what makes me who I am, part of what makes me tick is that I really like doing a good job whenever I do something. So I'm glad that all of you appreciate that I'm putting a lot of hard work in, teaching these English lessons. Jen, as well. You can actually see her in the distance there, is working hard on our flower farm. Both of us just really enjoy what we do.

And then it's easy to do a good job then, isn't it? I find that when you like doing what you're doing, it's a lot easier to do good work. So I'm glad that you appreciate it. Thank you very much. As you can see, the farm is really starting to get green. A lot of you commented in the last video that you appreciated seeing all of the green while I was outside. And I'm always happy to show it to you as well.

Anyways, Bob the Canadian here, just out here in the flower field, I hope you're having a good day. I'll see you in a couple of days with another short English lesson, bye.