Bob's Short English Lessons

Learn the English Phrases HERE'S THE DEAL and A BIG DEAL

Bob the Canadian Season 1 Episode 161

Read along to practice your English and to learn the English phrases HERE'S THE DEAL and BIG DEAL

In this English lesson, I wanted to help you learn the English phrase, here's the deal. This is a phrase that we often say in English right before we explain something to someone or right before we tell someone something. I could say to Jen, "Hey, here's the deal. Later today, I'm going to go to the grocery store, I'm going to go to the library, and I'm going to take the kids to the pool to go swimming." So basically, any time you're going to explain something to someone, you can start by saying, "Here's the deal." In my classroom, I do the same thing with my students. I might say to them, "Okay, here's the deal. We're gonna start with a little quiz today. Then we're going to do some reading and then we're going to do some listening activities." So then they know what we're going to do that day.


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The second phrase I wanted to teach you today is more of a term, but it's the term, big deal. When something is a big deal, it means it's really important to someone. When you graduate from school, it's a big deal. When you get married, it's a big deal. When you get your first job, it's a really big deal. So we'll use this phrase in English to talk about something that's really important and really cool that's happening to you in your life. We can also use it to describe a person. Sometimes you describe a famous person by saying they're a big deal. Matt Damon is kind of a big deal in Hollywood. He's a very famous actor.

So to review, when you say to someone, "Here's the deal," it's just a little sentence you use before you're going to explain something or tell them something. And when something is a big deal, it means it's important. It was a big deal to me when I bought my first car when I was younger. It was a big deal because I was then driving a car that belonged to me and not my parents. It was a pretty big deal for me.

Anyways, let's look at a comment from a previous video. This comment is from Andres, I believe. And Andres says, "Good explanation, Mr. Bob. Just to get the picture about wheat harvesting, if the quality of the wheat was low, that means that you have lost money or the wheat for animals is also profitable. Thank you." And my response was this. "It means I got a bit less money, but still profitable."

So yes, I was talking about my wheat harvest the other day, and I had promised all of you that I would show you. Oh, by the way, thank you, Andres, for the comment. I promised I would show all of you the baler when it came, but I missed that too, so you don't get to see that. But things around here have been a little wet. Many of you asked questions about the quality of the wheat. Why was the quality of the wheat so low? And the reason it was low is because it has been too wet here. The wheat had a lot of mold on it, it had a lot of fungus on it, and it just didn't have enough protein for them to use it, to make things like flour and bread.

You can see there's a puddle right there. If a car goes by in a moment, you'll hear that it's very wet out here. I think there's a truck coming right now that you'll get to see. So you can kinda see that it is wet out here. It rained today. I think I've mentioned this a number of times in my videos lately. It just seems to be raining all the time lately. It's really good for the crops. If you look in the distance, the crops across the field are doing really, really well.

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In this English lesson, I wanted to help you learn the English phrase, here's the deal. This is a phrase that we often say in English right before we explain something to someone or right before we tell someone something. I could say to Jen, "Hey, here's the deal. Later today, I'm going to go to the grocery store, I'm going to go to the library, and I'm going to take the kids to the pool to go swimming." So basically, any time you're going to explain something to someone, you can start by saying, "Here's the deal." In my classroom, I do the same thing with my students. I might say to them, "Okay, here's the deal. We're gonna start with a little quiz today. Then we're going to do some reading and then we're going to do some listening activities." So then they know what we're going to do that day.

The second phrase I wanted to teach you today is more of a term, but it's the term, big deal. When something is a big deal, it means it's really important to someone. When you graduate from school, it's a big deal. When you get married, it's a big deal. When you get your first job, it's a really big deal. So we'll use this phrase in English to talk about something that's really important and really cool that's happening to you in your life. We can also use it to describe a person. Sometimes you describe a famous person by saying they're a big deal. Matt Damon is kind of a big deal in Hollywood. He's a very famous actor.

So to review, when you say to someone, "Here's the deal," it's just a little sentence you use before you're going to explain something or tell them something. And when something is a big deal, it means it's important. It was a big deal to me when I bought my first car when I was younger. It was a big deal because I was then driving a car that belonged to me and not my parents. It was a pretty big deal for me.

Anyways, let's look at a comment from a previous video. This comment is from Andres, I believe. And Andres says, "Good explanation, Mr. Bob. Just to get the picture about wheat harvesting, if the quality of the wheat was low, that means that you have lost money or the wheat for animals is also profitable. Thank you." And my response was this. "It means I got a bit less money, but still profitable."

So yes, I was talking about my wheat harvest the other day, and I had promised all of you that I would show you. Oh, by the way, thank you, Andres, for the comment. I promised I would show all of you the baler when it came, but I missed that too, so you don't get to see that. But things around here have been a little wet. Many of you asked questions about the quality of the wheat. Why was the quality of the wheat so low? And the reason it was low is because it has been too wet here. The wheat had a lot of mold on it, it had a lot of fungus on it, and it just didn't have enough protein for them to use it, to make things like flour and bread.

You can see there's a puddle right there. If a car goes by in a moment, you'll hear that it's very wet out here. I think there's a truck coming right now that you'll get to see. So you can kinda see that it is wet out here. It rained today. I think I've mentioned this a number of times in my videos lately. It just seems to be raining all the time lately. It's really good for the crops. If you look in the distance, the crops across the field are doing really, really well. But certainly at some point, it needs to stop raining. Even if you look behind me, you can see that the sky is a little darker over there than it is over there. So it's quite possible that we'll get another little rain shower leader today. I hope not. I really hope that it stops raining soon.

I'm just gonna walk back this way because there's another large vehicle coming past, so I thought maybe you guys might want to see that. Let's have a look. Let's watch this one come by as well.