Bob's Short English Lessons

Learn the English Phrases TO THROW TOGETHER and TO THROW OUT

Bob the Canadian Season 1 Episode 163

Read along to practice your English and to learn the English Phrases TO THROW SOMETHING TOGETHER and TO THROW OUT

In this English lesson, I wanted to help you learn the English phrase, to throw something together. When you throw something together, it means you do it really quickly, maybe you don't do it as carefully as you normally would. You just do it as fast and as quickly as possible. This morning, I realized that it was Monday morning and I had a really busy weekend, and I didn't put a video out on this channel yet. So I thought I should throw something together. I thought I should still quickly make a video for all of you so that you could learn at least one or two English phrases this morning. And I did it a lot more quickly and not quite as carefully as I normally do. I just was able to throw something together so that you could watch it. Sorry, it's late.


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The other phrase I wanted to teach you today is not really a phrase, but it's the difference between throw away and throw out. I've had this question quite a bit lately, and because I have the word throw in my first phrase, this popped up in my little English phrase spreadsheet as something I should teach. When you throw something away or when you throw something out, it means the same thing. I don't know why we have two verbs for throwing something away. By the way, when I've done these videos, I do not throw away the paper. I do not throw out the paper. I put it in the recycle bin and it gets recycled. So, throw out and throw away mean exactly the same thing. Sometimes when we're done using something, we will throw it out. Usually though, we try to recycle everything that we possibly can.

Anyways, to review, to throw something together means to do it quickly. Maybe you were asked to do a speech at your brother's wedding, and he asked you on the very day of his wedding. You would then throw something together quickly. You would quickly write a speech so you could read it at the wedding. And when you throw away something or throw out something, it means that you're just getting rid of it. Sorry, there's flies biting me this morning. It's the weirdest feeling.

But hey, let's look at a comment from a previous video. This comment is from Paul. I'm moving my feet around. I'm wearing shorts and they're biting my ankles. Paul says, "Thank you, Bob. Is it a bother for you to tell us more about your business classes?" And then my reply was, "It's not a bother. I'll do that in my next video."

So Paul is using the phrase, is it a bother? In the last lesson I talked about the phrase, whether something is a bother or not a bother. So I responded by saying it's not a bother. It means that it's not a problem for me to do that. So yes, I teach a variety of classes. I teach computer classes. I teach business classes. Mostly though I teach French classes. I teach a business class because I ran a computer tech support business for 20 years while I was teaching. I was a part-time teacher and I also ran a business where I provided tech support for different schools. So because of that business experience, I was asked to teach a business class years ago. As many of you know, Jen and I also have a flower farm. I should walk out and show you some of it. As you know, we also have a flower farm, and because of that, the principal at my school also thought I would be a good choice to teach a business class.

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In this English lesson, I wanted to help you learn the English phrase, to throw something together. When you throw something together, it means you do it really quickly, maybe you don't do it as carefully as you normally would. You just do it as fast and as quickly as possible. This morning, I realized that it was Monday morning and I had a really busy weekend, and I didn't put a video out on this channel yet. So I thought I should throw something together. I thought I should still quickly make a video for all of you so that you could learn at least one or two English phrases this morning. And I did it a lot more quickly and not quite as carefully as I normally do. I just was able to throw something together so that you could watch it. Sorry, it's late.

The other phrase I wanted to teach you today is not really a phrase, but it's the difference between throw away and throw out. I've had this question quite a bit lately, and because I have the word throw in my first phrase, this popped up in my little English phrase spreadsheet as something I should teach. When you throw something away or when you throw something out, it means the same thing. I don't know why we have two verbs for throwing something away. By the way, when I've done these videos, I do not throw away the paper. I do not throw out the paper. I put it in the recycle bin and it gets recycled. So, throw out and throw away mean exactly the same thing. Sometimes when we're done using something, we will throw it out. Usually though, we try to recycle everything that we possibly can.

Anyways, to review, to throw something together means to do it quickly. Maybe you were asked to do a speech at your brother's wedding, and he asked you on the very day of his wedding. You would then throw something together quickly. You would quickly write a speech so you could read it at the wedding. And when you throw away something or throw out something, it means that you're just getting rid of it. Sorry, there's flies biting me this morning. It's the weirdest feeling.

But hey, let's look at a comment from a previous video. This comment is from Paul. I'm moving my feet around. I'm wearing shorts and they're biting my ankles. Paul says, "Thank you, Bob. Is it a bother for you to tell us more about your business classes?" And then my reply was, "It's not a bother. I'll do that in my next video."

So Paul is using the phrase, is it a bother? In the last lesson I talked about the phrase, whether something is a bother or not a bother. So I responded by saying it's not a bother. It means that it's not a problem for me to do that. So yes, I teach a variety of classes. I teach computer classes. I teach business classes. Mostly though I teach French classes. I teach a business class because I ran a computer tech support business for 20 years while I was teaching. I was a part-time teacher and I also ran a business where I provided tech support for different schools. So because of that business experience, I was asked to teach a business class years ago. As many of you know, Jen and I also have a flower farm. I should walk out and show you some of it. As you know, we also have a flower farm, and because of that, the principal at my school also thought I would be a good choice to teach a business class.

So, the students take a class where they learn a little bit about... Oh, it's very bright, isn't it? Let me fix that for a sec. Let me see if I remember how to do that. Wrong way, there we go. They take a class where they learn a little bit about accounting, they learn a little bit about personal finance, how to manage their own money. So I'll turn here so you can see. And they learn a little bit of, did I cover all of it? So they do a little bit of accounting, personal finance, and then from me, they learn a little bit about how to run a small business if they ever were to start one. So they get to kind of invent a business and they pretend to run it. And I kind of give them some encouragement and instruction. So, that's a little bit about my business class.

Anyways, sorry that I just threw this one together quick. I hope you're having a good day, bye.