Bob's Short English Lessons

Learn the English Phrases OUT OF MY CONTROL and TO BE IN CONTROL

Bob the Canadian Season 1 Episode 178

Read along to practice your English and to learn the English phrases OUT OF MY CONTROL and TO BE IN CONTROL

In this English lesson, I wanted to help you learn the English phrase, "Out of my control." There are things on this farm that are under my control. There are things that I am in control of, but there are also things that are out of my control. Things like how often it rains, that's out of my control. Sometimes we get too much rain. Sometimes we don't get enough rain, but I can't make it rain. Okay? It is out of my control. I wish sometimes that it was though. I wish sometimes we could just go on the internet and order rain. Like, "We would like one inch of rain tomorrow, preferably in the afternoon." But we can't because the rain is out of my control. This morning it's Saturday, today that I'm making this lesson early. This morning I did a live lesson, and the wind was out of my control. It was quite windy, but I think people could hear things just fine.


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The second phrase I wanted to teach you is "To be in control." A lot of people want to be a leader. They want to be in charge of something. They want to be in control. We have this even in my own family. Sometimes when we organize an event, a few of us really like to be in control, even if it's something like a small party for my mum or a family gathering. Sometimes my brothers and sisters, and I argue a little bit because all of us like to be in control. We like to be the person in charge. We like to be the person doing the planning, and buying everything, which is kind of silly. It's actually far easier to not be in control of a situation. It's far easier to let someone else be in control. But hey. that's the way it goes sometimes.

So to review. When something is out of my control, it means that I cannot make it happen. Okay? If I'm driving on the highway, and traffic is slow, it's out of my control. I can't make people in front of me go faster. And to be in control is the same as to be in charge, to be the person who is responsible for something that is happening.

But hey. Let's look at a comment from a previous video. This comment is from and the comment is this. "Hello, your grass is nice with a wonderful green color. You really know how to take care of it. The weather seems fine for mid September, have a nice day." And my response, "The only thing we do to make our grass look good is that we don't cut it too short. Cutting grass too short makes it unhappy. Rain helps, but that's outside of my control.

Notice I use the phrase there that I just taught you. But yes. Let's have a look at the grass. Let me hold this as high as I can. Our grass right now is very nice and very green. We have been very happy here on the farm. It was dry for a while, and then it started raining again. But we don't fertilize our grass. 

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In this English lesson, I wanted to help you learn the English phrase, "Out of my control." There are things on this farm that are under my control. There are things that I am in control of, but there are also things that are out of my control. Things like how often it rains, that's out of my control. Sometimes we get too much rain. Sometimes we don't get enough rain, but I can't make it rain. Okay? It is out of my control. I wish sometimes that it was though. I wish sometimes we could just go on the internet and order rain. Like, "We would like one inch of rain tomorrow, preferably in the afternoon." But we can't because the rain is out of my control. This morning it's Saturday, today that I'm making this lesson early. This morning I did a live lesson, and the wind was out of my control. It was quite windy, but I think people could hear things just fine.

The second phrase I wanted to teach you is "To be in control." A lot of people want to be a leader. They want to be in charge of something. They want to be in control. We have this even in my own family. Sometimes when we organize an event, a few of us really like to be in control, even if it's something like a small party for my mum or a family gathering. Sometimes my brothers and sisters, and I argue a little bit because all of us like to be in control. We like to be the person in charge. We like to be the person doing the planning, and buying everything, which is kind of silly. It's actually far easier to not be in control of a situation. It's far easier to let someone else be in control. But hey. that's the way it goes sometimes.

So to review. When something is out of my control, it means that I cannot make it happen. Okay? If I'm driving on the highway, and traffic is slow, it's out of my control. I can't make people in front of me go faster. And to be in control is the same as to be in charge, to be the person who is responsible for something that is happening.

But hey. Let's look at a comment from a previous video. This comment is from and the comment is this. "Hello, your grass is nice with a wonderful green color. You really know how to take care of it. The weather seems fine for mid September, have a nice day." And my response, "The only thing we do to make our grass look good is that we don't cut it too short. Cutting grass too short makes it unhappy. Rain helps, but that's outside of my control.

Notice I use the phrase there that I just taught you. But yes. Let's have a look at the grass. Let me hold this as high as I can. Our grass right now is very nice and very green. We have been very happy here on the farm. It was dry for a while, and then it started raining again. But we don't fertilize our grass. We don't do anything special to our grass. We don't water our grass. The only thing we do is we make sure that when we mow the lawn, let me spin you around. We make sure that when we mow the lawn, the setting on the lawnmower is as high as possible. And this is one of the secrets to having a very nice green lawn. Many people don't actually realize this. Many people cut their lawn super short, and that's actually a bad idea. It looks nicer when it's super short, but it's not actually healthy for the plant.

Sorry. It's a little windy out here still. Hopefully the microphone isn't making all kinds of weird noises on you. I'll probably just wrap this video up as it gets super windy. Maybe my hat will blow away.

Anyways. Thanks for watching. I'm Bob the Canadian. I hope you enjoyed this little short English lesson, and I'll see you in a couple of days with another one. Bye.