beyond MD with Dr. Yatin Chadha

PPP - Personal Pension Plan

April 14, 2021 Yatin Chadha Season 1 Episode 10

Dr. Yatin Chadha hosts Jean-Pierre Laporte (CEO Integris Pension Management Corp) to discuss the personal pension plan (PPP).

This is highly relevant and under discussed material for any incorporated professional/small business owner.

Discussion points include:
Review of basic IPP (individual pension plan) concepts

PPP account structure (3 accounts)
- Defined benefit account (DB)
- Defined contribution account (DC)
- Additional voluntary contribution account (AVC)

Age benefit of PPPs (no need to wait until age 40)
- ability to contribute to DC and AVC accounts before age 40

Additional tax sheltering advantages compared to IPP
- RRSP double dip
- flexibility in contributions through DC and AVC accounts
- ability to make contributions even when DB account is in surplus
- benefit/strategy of holding low yielding investments in the DB account (accruing special payments)
- benefits of PPP in wealth transfer/estate planning

Fiduciary oversight with PPP

Why the PPP is under discussed in personal finance