beyond MD with Dr. Yatin Chadha

Real Estate Investing - a Physician's perspective

Yatin Chadha Season 1 Episode 16

Yatin Chadha hosts Dr. Kevin Mailo, an Emergency physician from Edmonton, AB and co-founder of Physician Empowerment. 

Physician Empowerment is a physician-led venture helping other physicians with burnout, practice management, and financial literacy. Check their website for upcoming courses (with CME):

Kevin has abundant experience in direct ownership of real estate and provides his insights on real estate investing.

Discussion points:
- introduction, Physician Empowerment (3:56)
- tackling $300000 of student debt (9:18)
- Kevin's summary of his real estate investments (12:25)
- real estate: active vs passive (16:35)
- finding tenants (26:17)
- using a holding company (29:55)
- evaluating real estate through the numbers (35:30)
- tax efficiency (44:38)
- what about downturns? (45:18)
- mistakes (51:02)
- variable vs fixed rates on your rental property (52:45)
- advice (53:55)

Kevin Mailo can be reached at