beyond MD with Dr. Yatin Chadha

RCA - Retirement Compensation Arrangement

Yatin Chadha Season 1 Episode 18

Yatin Chadha hosts Sophie Cournoyer (FCIA, FSA, MBA, CFA) to discuss the retirement compensation arrangement (RCA).

The RCA is a lesser known retirement savings plan that can be relevant for incorporated professionals with substantial salary (T4 income).

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We discuss:
1:08 - My intro to RCA
3:25 - our guest, conflicts on interest
4:40 - what is an RCA?
9:22 - differences between RCA and IPP
13:25 - basic features (governing body, creditor protection, tax deductions, tax deferral, buy back of past service, no impact on RRSP contribution room, considerations for income splitting)
16:53 - basic RCA structure (2 accounts: Investment account & Refundable Tax Account)
18:29 - basic RCA mechanics
20:13 - Sophie talks about eligible investments (very few restrictions)
21:28 - Example: depositing $50,000 into RCA - what happens
23:10 - Examples: what happens to interest income & realized capital loss in the investment account? 
24:18 - RCA tax efficiency (and inefficiency)
25:30 - potential benefit of RCA when retiring in low tax jurisdiction
26:18 - RCA and passive income rules
27:55 - RCA - any issues with excess returns?
29:15 - wealth transfers, what happens at death?
30:47 - RCA Cost - set up and maintenance
33:30 - what can go wrong with an RCA
35:15 - my summary (and room for DIY)