2023 Rewind with Sanjay Swamy, Shripati Acharya & Amit Somani
Prime Venture Partners Podcast
Prime Venture Partners Podcast
2023 Rewind with Sanjay Swamy, Shripati Acharya & Amit Somani
Dec 29, 2023 Episode 133
Prime Venture Partners: Early Stage VC Fund

On this special episode we have our three partners Sanjay Swamy, Shripati Acharya and Amit Somani discuss what happened in 2023 across the global and Indian startup ecosystem. They deep dive on GenAI, ChatGPT, the India Opportunity, ‘funding winter’ and many such themes that dominated the world of startups! 

Listen to the podcast to learn more about:

00:00 - Preview of the Podcast

01:20 - ChatGPT and GenAI in 2023

14:24 - Indian Startup ecosystem in 2023

19:39 - Exciting sectors and trends in 2023 

25:33 - Top performing startups of 2023

35:36 - Why are well funded startups failing/shutting down?

38:58 - What is the ONE thing startups should focus on in 2024?

43:50 - Personal takeaways & Closing thoughts

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