Mind Wrench Podcast

Episode #32 - You were born to sell, so why do you hate sales?

Rick Selover Episode 32

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Episode Notes: 

Do you provide an awesome product or service, but hate to sell?

Is your perception of “salespeople” mostly negative… that they are somehow “bad” people?

Are you the owner of a business, but just the mere idea of “selling” makes you feel cheap, dirty or untrustworthy?

Join us this week, as we prove that “selling” is not “bad”, but good, essential & the life-blood of your business… and you need to be ALL-IN on selling your best ever single day!

We are all born to sell…. You’ve probably been selling your whole life and didn’t even realize it!


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Episode #32 You were born to sell, so why do you hate sales?

 Hey, what’s up everybody?... welcome back to another episode of The Mindwrench Podcast, I am your host Rick Selover, thank you so much for tuning in & spending a few minutes with me today. 

 Do you hate to sell?

Do you despise “salespeople”?? 

Does the idea of you selling make you feel uneasy, un-trustable….? sleezy, slimy, scammy??

 If you own a business, you know that “selling” is the life-blood of your company… it is the oxygen of your business.

Sales is your #1 objective every time you unlock your shop’s front door each morning.

If it is NOT your #1 objective, you better stop right now and listen closely to this message.


You are responsible for sales every day…and it should be so for everyone you employ, regardless of their title or position, they should all be doing their very best to sell your shop, your brand, your service and your business every…single…day!

If they truly enjoy working at your shop and want to help ensure their futures, they should be selling every day.


Your porter should be telling his buddies and their parents, what a cool place he works at & all the sweet rides they fix there.


Your office manager or book-keeper should be talking-up the quality of repairs their shop does every week in their social circles, with their bowling or golf teams.

Your CSRs and estimators should be bragging about your cycle times and CSI ratings to their friends, neighbors & on their FB accounts.


And your body & paint techs ought to be boasting to all their body & paint tech friends about what certifications your shop has, or the new equipment they just got to work with, or the positive atmosphere they get to work in.

Everyone should be actively selling your business every day.


But not everyone is comfortable selling… some feel ‘dirty” or “guilty” about the whole concept of selling, and many people feel they can’t sell…. But here’s a little secret I want to share with you….

We all sell…. Almost every day of our lives…. We ALL sell!

What, don’t believe me?...... need proof??

Ok, guys… have you ever really, really, really wanted to buy something expensive like a set of golf clubs, a new snowmobile, a motorcycle or maybe a cabin on the lake, but had to discuss this first with your “significant other” first?...... you had to “sell” her on the idea, right?

Specially if this purchase required some Jointly earned money, right??

In fact, you probably had to get into some F &Bs (features & benefits) …. “I can trade in my old clubs, probably save 50% on new set” – “I really wanted the new snowmobile/ motorcycle so I had something to have you with me on the back... you will really look cool on the back of that bike!” – “the cabin would be awesome for our kids to experience & we could have friends up for the weekend & IT’s an INVESTMENT!” …. you know what I’m saying, don’t you?

Or ladies, ever planned on a “destination-shopping spree” with “the girls”, take a mini-vacation with your girlfriends to Vegas, or wanted to change around/ replace the furniture in your perfectly-fine living room, but had to sell your mate on that idea?... sound familiar??


If those don’t strike a chord… how about you parents out there?….

Have you ever had to convince your kid (or kids) to do something they did NOT want to do… like share a toy, eat all their veggies, finish their homework or one of a million other things they don’t want to do (because the old line “because I said so” doesn’t seem to work these days)?... don’t think for a second that you’re NOT SELLING!... in fact, you probably “sell” more to your children than anybody else in your life!


Selling... simply put… is the fine art of persuasion.

It is the process of trying to convince another person to either DO something or NOT do something, and we all do this almost on a daily basis.


We started selling when we were just little kids… really!

I’m positive that every one of you, at some point, tried to convince (or persuade) your Mom or Dad to buy you a certain toy, let you watch a questionable show on TV, let you stay out past curfew for something, go to a friends for a sleep-over, go on a trip with your friends family, let your “nothin’ but trouble” buddy drive you downtown for your first concert or borrow you parents “good” car to take your girl out on a date?.... you know you were selling your ass off and didn’t even know it!


In fact. I’d bet most of you in a “professional” sales role today, were pretty successful at these things growing-up, you were most likely very convincing or persuasive with your parents and that built confidence in your ability to “sell” yourself and your ideas.


The fact is, we all convince or persuade someone to do or not do something every day… yet we convince ourselves that we are good at selling…. hmmm, another “sale” right there...WHAAAT?


Almost every basic human interaction or communication leads to a sale every time it occurs.

From the kid in the fast-food drive-thru trying to get you to “super-size” your meal, or the waiter suggesting a certain expensive bottle of wine for your dinner, to the lady in your shop’s front office waiting for an estimate because she just had an accident with her car… all of those conversations or communications will end with a sale…. one way or the other!

Either you will be persuaded to upsize your McMeal or order the expensive bottle of wine, or you will “sell” them on NO or a different selection…. you will “persuade” that lady to leave her keys to her car with you, so you can properly repair her vehicle... or she will “sell” you on why she can’t or won’t. 


Selling is not a bad thing… it is not evil… it is not shameful… it is not wrong!

Regardless of your previous opinion of what “sales” is… you need to appreciate it through a different viewpoint…. Try looking at it through this lens…


Say you discovered or developed a secret method to do a normal 2–3-day repair in a fraction of the time, at a lower cost (in fact most could pay out-of-pocket & not have to make an insurance claim), could have them safely back on the road in 45 minutes, and could be completed while the customer waited in your customer lounge drinking coffee & surfing the web, or getting caught-up on some emails. This repair was exactly as safe and high-quality as the repairs done at the best shops around. (keep in mind I’m making this scenario up)

But now, this new method of repair would save single moms & busy executives valuable time in their already demanding schedules, allow them to avoid having to make an insurance claim & driving their rates up, eliminate the need to arrange car rentals or alternate transportation and provide them a huge cost savings while they sip coffee, watch TV and surf the web in your sweet customer lounge for 45 minutes.... OMG!!.... you just provided an unbelievably incredible solution for a specific niche of customer… single-moms & busy executives!


NOW... if you have something this special, this unique, this amazing solution to a very common problem… you should be marketing & selling this HOT & HEAVY…. You should be on this like a fat kid on a doughnut!...…because if you’re not, you are screwing-over single Moms & busy executives… that’s right.... I said you’re screwing them over, you are doing all of those people that you don’t try to reach out to and sell, a HUGE disservice.


How can I say that?... easy, everyone that you DON’T market and sell this amazing service to will end up going to some other shop that may not be as quality-driven as yours, paying more, driving up their insurance rates, forcing them to have to deal with alternate transportation, drop-offs/pick-ups and making it a more stressful and uncomfortable experience all the way around.


Remember, you started a business, whether it’s a collision shop, printing service, fitness center or any other type of business for 2 basic things: 1. to make money & 2. provide a solution for those that you want to serve, and to accomplish those 2 things, YOU NEED TO SELL!... as I explained, you have been “training” or “practicing” the fine art of persuasion your whole life.

It’s not dirty… it’s not dishonest... it’s not sleezy…. it’s right… it’s natural… it’s essential to our lives and it’s WHAT YOU SHOULD BE DOING EVERYDAY with PRIDE!


Do it for your business, do it for your employees, do it for your family, do it for yourself and do it for your customers…. Because if YOU don’t sell THEM, somebody else ABSOLUTELY will!


Well, that’s all I have for you today, if you liked this message, please share it with your friends & loved ones & on all your SM platforms. When you share this podcast with others, that’s how we grow and when this show grows, I can serve more people with my messages. I can always be reached at www.rickselover.com, where you can find all my SM links, podcast episodes, blog posts & much more.

Also, one last favor, if you love what I’m doing here & want to help support this show, I do this podcast every week for free, but it takes funds every month to keep going, so please visit https://www.buymeacoffee.com/Mindwrench and for as little as $3 you can help keep this going & growing!