OBBM Network

Biz Pointz - Triumph Business Capital on Factoring

Larry Kortkamp / Deb Myers, Sarah Williams VP Triumph Capital Bank Season 1 Episode 3

Host Larry Kortkamp talks with local DFW's Deb Myers and VP Sarah Williams of Triumph Business Capital on factoring. When your invoice terms are further out than your need for the operational cash in that invoice, Triumph Business Capital offers financial solutions that don't require a loan. 

Triumph Business Capital is a subsidiary of Triumph Bank Corp, a regional bank with branches right here in North Texas and many solutions for small to medium sized businesses. How would your business look if you were accessing accounts receivable before the payment was due? The relationship with Triumph Capital Bank is a very flexible option for local business, operating on an invoice-by-invoice basis.

Do you need to be worried about the bank becoming a negative collections department? No. Sarah and Deb discuss how they manage the collecting on those invoices, working in accordance with the client's payment terms. Payment terms vary by industry and customer transactions, so Sarah describes how it looks if there is a payment delay, and what that ultimately means as a back office support system for your company.

Who is a great fit for factoring? How do you decide if this tool will work for you? Watch or listen here!

For more information go to InvoiceFactoring.com.

Deb Myers is the Dallas area Referral Partner Manager, to reach her, go to LinkedIn, and follow Triumph Business Capital on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram, too. 

To work with The Kortkamp Group, find guest, advertising, or sponsor information, contact 972-824-8001, or go to KortkampGroup.com.

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