OBBM Network

National Write Your Congressman - OffBeat Business Show

Susan Hamilton / Jerry Penry, National Write Your Congressman Season 4 Episode 11

In this episode of OffBeat Business TV, host Susan Hamilton talks with Jerry Penry about National Write Your Congressman (NWYC), to engage constituents to hold legislators accountable and learn about their voting records.  

NWYC proactively works to inform and engage constituencies on issues already reviewed at the Congressional level as well as those that are upcoming so voters can weigh in with their elected representatives on areas of concern. The entire NWYC agenda is to preserve our freedoms, irrespective of political party. Knowledge is power and applying correct knowledge is Jerry’s ‘why’ of what he does.  

While a significant part of the problem as to why people don’t get involved or engaged in politics is because the political machine is overwhelming and too big to understand, the NWYC organization first informs and then empowers us to make a difference by using our voice at the state and federal levels. This is highly relevant to small businesses as they speak up about concerns that impact their future. 

Often, politicians don’t want informed constituents anymore, they want “sheeple” - people who follow blindly as sheep. When business owners have the knowledge of full truth and are able to take action, common sense solutions rise to the surface. NWYC promotes the provision of accurate and complete information, which aids to educate the public, develop strength in numbers and leverage that information in the correct way to elicit change. This allows the opportunity for everyone to be informed and engaged.  

The public has had the perception that the media would hold politicians accountable but this appears to be an impossible task. Many people are having a difficult time telling the difference between fact and opinion due to the way the information is presented in the media. This is why it is so important to remain informed by doing independent research and analysis, and  NWYC aids in this area.  

NWYC reports the outcome of how the Senate or House (federal or state) votes on the same day it occurs, which allows constituents to see if their representative voted how they said they would or if there are discrepancies. A deep dive into the data and keeping track over time allows constituents to evaluate if their representative is the one they want to support in future elections. Additionally, while elections are important, paying attention to legislation and what is enacted between elections is more imperative as 97% of what impacts us on a legislative and regulatory level occurs between elections. 

The goal in providing this information to everyone is about choosing the legacy of our country.  There will be a legacy by default or by design, so let us choose to design the legacy by being engaged with elected state and federal officials on legislative and regulatory issues.  

Go to WeStandForFreedom.com to get started today! Learn more about National Write Your Congressman at NWYC.com.

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