Design You Podcast

EP 0041 – Be Happy with Maura Sweeney

August 14, 2018 Tina Murray Episode 41
Maura Sweeney went from dreaming to doing -- even if it took her nearly a half century to accomplish her life goal! The former little girl who watched airplanes fly overhead and wanted to travel the world to make new friends left behind a family law career to pioneer her own way to a life of her own design. Now the self-created Ambassador of Happiness®, she's an Author, Podcaster, Media Personality and International Speaker on influence, leadership and authenticity. She talks about the long, winding and creative path she's taken to turn her dreams to reality -- at just the right time. She'll share stories and fun ideas to help you turn some of your dreams to reality, too!" Be happy with Maura and ‘Tina as they laugh and chat about the long, winding and creative path Maura has taken to turn her dreams into reality.Connect with Maura with ‘Tina Murray at with ‘Tina on Facebook at the Create the Life You Want Facebook Group