The Morrissey Exchange

Iron Or Bust? 30-Year Veteran Explains

May 24, 2021 The Morrissey Group Season 2 Episode 9

The investment services space is a sea of experts each offering different insights, which is what makes a market. This week Morrissey Group advisers, Ben Morrissey & Alex Henderson are joined in their discussion by Shaw and Partners’ Head of Research, Mr Andrew Hines. 

Andrew has been analysing businesses and the market for over 30 years and has forgotten more about cycles, commodities and equities than most investors will ever know. Previously an Oil & Gas Engineer and spending the early years of his research career as the number one ranked BHP analyst in Australia, Andrew’s depth of knowledge when it comes to Iron Ore is unparalleled.

Settle in and listen to the first half of a fascinating, two-part discussion with Andrew as we delve into the current thematic and trends driving the Iron Ore price ever higher…