Scottsdale Frame of Mind

Conversation with Jeff Walther, Scottsdale Police Chief

A Scottsdale Leadership Production Season 2 Episode 4

Are you the nosy neighbor on your street?  Good!  The Scottsdale PD finds that valuable.  In this edition of “Scottsdale Frame of Mind” hear Police Chief Jeff Walther tell us about the broad range of services the department provides, how Scottsdale’s policing philosophy builds strong relationships, and the advice he offers to new leaders.  

Scottsdale Police Department is highly regarded in the Valley because of their progressive policing ideas and ability to recruit high-quality officers.  What does he look for in an officer?  The special breed of person who comes forward to put their lives on the line and wants to be part of something grander and bigger than themselves.  

Chief Walther has been with the Scottsdale Police Department since 1994.   Why did he come out of retirement to serve as Chief? He answers, “How do you say no to an incredible city, with an incredible police department, and amazing people?  You don’t.  You say yes and how can I help?”  

Do you want to know his favorite donut flavor? You’ll have to listen to find out. 

Scottsdale Police Department 
Scottsdale Leadership