Scottsdale Frame of Mind

Conversation with Todd Larson

A Scottsdale Leadership Production Season 2 Episode 5

“Innovation is everything,” says Dr. Todd Larson, Associate Vice President for Workplace & Safety at Honor Health and this organization lives up to that ideal.  As a community-based health care system Honor Health isn’t expected to be teaching organization – but they have one of the top 100 teaching facilities in the country.  They aren’t supposed to be a research organization – but they are leading the way in pancreatic cancer research.  They develop partnerships that are forward-looking and advance healthcare and our community such as the one with the US military that trains military personnel in battlefield and trauma medicine by having them learn and work in Honor Health emergency departments.  Or the ones that repurposed business models to include event planners, emergency services, police and fire to innovatively roll out the COVID vaccines.  Throughout his career as a member of the military, then as a Scottsdale police officer and finally as VP for Honor Health he has subscribed to life-long learning, asking curious questions (why?) and remembering that as leaders we are here to serve, mentor, and help others grow.  

Scottsdale Leadership

Published Articles:


  1. Ralston B., Rable J., Larson, T., Handmaker H., & Lifshitz J. (2019). Forensic Nursing Examination to Screen for Traumatic Brain Injury following Intimate Partner Violence, Journal of Aggression, Maltreatment & Trauma, 28:6, 732-743, DOI: 10.1080/10926771.2019.1637988 
  2. Larson T, & Flynn R., (2017). Research Study: Time to Tourniquet, The Police Chief, (January). Retrieved from
  3. Larson, T., (2017). Connecting technology and healthcare to improve patient care. Tech Data Advantage Blog.  Downloaded from
  4. Larson T., & Hubbard S., (2016). “Physiological Effects on Police Officers Performing Field Trauma Medicine and Tourniquet Application”.  Retrieved from The Police Chief 83, no. 11 (November)