Reinventing Your Content
The Ultimate Creative
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The Ultimate Creative
Reinventing Your Content
Apr 27, 2021 Season 2 Episode 57
Emily Milling

What do you do when you realize that something isn’t working for you as a content creator? You’ve lost the passion for what you’re talking about. The spark isn’t there anymore. Does that mean you should quit? 

Heck no!

It just means you need to get back to your “why”.

Over the last few weeks I’ve been doing a lot of soul searching. We do that as entrepreneurs, it’s a constant introspective personal growth and development type of career. Why am I not making more sales? Probably because I’ve got a money mindset issue. Why don’t I have any time? Probably because I still believe that I’m the only one that can do the things in my business. It’s an ongoing push and pull.

In facing tough questions like this and figuring out what’s behind the block points, I had the opportunity to participate in Shelagh Cummins’ Business Accelerator program last week. We went through a two-day bootcamp of re-aligning with our purpose and tying it into our core offers. It was a mind-blower of a two-day event and SO helpful if you need to get back in touch with your “why”.

So I had been hitting burnout pretty frequently because I didn’t feel connected to my business, and it turns out, I STILL believed that I needed to seek out super corporate business suit type entrepreneurs. I don’t work with anyone that fits that description. Like, even remotely. 

But the shift had to come from my messaging - and realizing that I’m not actually working with entrepreneurs specifically, I’m working with content creators. And I have a much stronger connection to the title “content creator” than I do “entrepreneur” because of the simple fact that is has the word “creator” in it. I love creativity! But I was concerned that I’d be leaving out my clients that don’t self-identify as creative people. 

So in this episode I’m sharing some behind the scenes of my new rebrand - which is kind of just re-igniting the original brand, and the reason why. I’m also going to share with you the steps you can take to do this too if you feel like your content needs a bit of an update.

I also want to share that it is 100% ok to change things up with your content. You are a human. Humans grow and change. And your interests and priorities and beliefs will change. So bring people along for the ride with you, because they’re tuning in for YOU. Not your specific expertise. They just like you.


  • The Business Accelerator:
  • The Road To Seven Rebrand:

To learn more about how I can help you build your dreams through podcasting & content, head over to or follow me on Instagram at @the_ultimatecreative and let’s chat!

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