Vital Animal Podcast

Are You Making this Common Mistake?

Will Falconer, DVM Episode 28

#028 Some things are time sensitive, but biology rarely follows the calendar, especially when we speak of immunity in you or your animals.

Does immunity slowly “empty out,” like a gas tank, and need “refilling” at a year or three?

Listen in as I give you the info you need to see through the marketing that is often masked as “Your pet is DUE for xyz vaccines! Make your appointment today!”

Inspired, as is much of my world, by questions I get from you, my listeners. Maggie is a 14 year old dog, adopted at age 10, and Carolyn has been told she’s up against a hard calendar deadline.

Oh oh.

When you get clear on what I’m sharing with you in this episode, you’ll grow in confidence and know better how to respond responsibly to such notices.

And, I’ll answer Carolyn’s question about how to prime Maggie’s immune system to better withstand the immune confusion that comes from most vaccination events.

For special links on this episode,  head over to the show notes: