Accent Training Podcast

#057 Combine T and R to make ChRuh!

May 19, 2021 Season 3 Episode 57

Some consonants in the American accent combine together to make a sound that flows, rather than pronouncing each letter individually. Today, we consider the combination of the letters T and R, and what you can do to pronounce it the American sounding way.

Practice with these sentences:
Local transit
Interest payments
Trip to Toronto

A tractor trailer is a transport truck.

Practice these idioms in your daily life!
Tread lightly / Carefully Speak with caution to avoid offending someone
He’s not happy, I suggest you tread lightly to keep your position.

Constructive criticism Feedback that helps you improve your work
I can take a little constructive criticism, but that was harsh!

Straight from the horse’s mouth To hear something of interest from a particular person of interest.
He admitted he was wrong, I heard it straight from the horse’s mouth. 

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