Accent Training Podcast

#063 English for Moving Houses - A Chat with Estefania

Season 3 Episode 63

Moving is common in the summer in the United States, and you want to make sure your English is ready for it! Listen on in to learn about English you can use to facilitate this, our own recent moving experience, and what you want to watch out for in your own move!

Follow along with these phrasal verbs:
Load up - Fill a vehicle
Pack up - Put something in a package
Unload - Removing cargo from a vehicle
Unpack - Removing contents from packaging
Take down - Remove something from a high place
Put up - Put something in a high place
Throw away - Discard something 

And here are some common compound words for moving

Shrink wrap - Plastic that contracts and shrinks whatever it wraps around

A fixer-upper - A project to see a desired improvement with something

Dream home - The home of one's dreams