Accent Training Podcast

#069 How ED Word Endings Sound

July 12, 2021 Season 3 Episode 69

Do you ever wonder how to pronounce ED when ending a word? There are 3 different sounds used when the letters ED end a word, and each sound has an easy rule for when it is used. If you want to know how ED sounds when ending a word,  tune in to learn these three MUST KNOW rules, along with some examples of how you can put this to work!

Practice regularly with these idiomatic expressions here to get a feel for it!

To be loaded Someone who is wealthy
He always offers to pay, they must be loaded. 

Packed like sardines Many people stuffed into a small space
We were packed like sardines on the subway ride home!

Get carried away To lose control of something / oneself 
Don’t get carried away, you might hurt yourself!

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