Education for Sustainable Democracy

First Anniverary & Looking Ahead

This podcast turns one year old this October! Happy anniversary, and thanks for your support! New episodes are in the works, so please stay tuned. As you know, I try to release a new show towards the beginning of each month, and there are some good ones coming up, including shows on technology for the social studies classroom, civically engaged districts, and proposed federal legislation to support civic learning.

As we celebrate this first anniversary milestone, I'm hoping to continue expanding the show's reach. Could you please help me spread the word about the show? (We have no publicity wing, so you're it! Consider this a form of civic engagement. :)

Below are four ways you can help. If you could do one or two of them, I'd greatly appreciate it!

1. Rate the show in your podcast app. (Five stars would be great!) More good ratings will help push the show out to new potential listeners!

2. "Like" the show's Facebook Page by clicking here.

3. Share your favorite episode (or the show as a whole) with a friend, colleague, or family member. You can do this by finding the share button in your podcast app (usually an arrow) or by sending a link directly to recipients. Here you can find links to individual episodes and a link to the show's website that you can cut-and-paste into an email or text message. 

4. Make a small donation to the show on Patreon. This will help me pay for web hosting, mastering, and technology for the show. Also, with enough support, I can hire a sound editor. If someone helps me with editing, I can produce more shows for you all! (I plan to upload exclusive content for all Patreon supporters soon!)

Thank you so much! 

You can email me anytime at 

Have a great day!

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