Anchored by the Classic Learning Test

Faith Moore On Snow White and Cancel Culture

CLT Episode 38

Faith Moore is a freelance writer, editor, and a stay-at-home mom. She has been published in The Wall Street Journal, The New York Daily News, The Daily Wire, and more. She joins Jeremy to discuss her recent Federalist article, "Instead of Canceling Snow White, Learn to Read Fairy Tales." In this episode, she discusses her response to the authors of an SFGate article in which they describe Disneyland's depiction of the famous kiss scene from Snow White as problematic. She further discusses the ways in which the current cultural zeitgeist is assigning literal meanings to fairy tales whose generational relevance continues because of their symbolism and moral depictions. She shines light on important aspects of Grimm's Fairy Tales, and the universality of fairy tale themes when considering the similarity of story themes across cultures.

Host Jeremy Tate @JeremyTate41
Guest Faith Moore @FaithKMoore
"Instead of Canceling Snow White, Learn to Read Fairy Tales"
Saving Cinderella: What Feminists Get Wrong About Disney Princesses And How To Set It Right