
Discriminatory and Abusive Bosses and Life Partners Carve a Path to Becoming a Chocolatier: Syovata Edari's Powerful Story of Resilience and Talent

February 14, 2021 Barbara Zabawa Season 2 Episode 6

Happy Valentine's Day! What a great way to celebrate the day with a story from Syovata Edari, who shares her powerful story of overcoming discriminatory and abusive work and personal relationships by finding a love for making chocolate and supporting small business, particularly businesses owned by those who face disadvantages.  Syovata, or Vata, went to law school, succeeded as a federal public defender and fought job discrimination from an abusive boss while working in Kansas. She also endured an abusive relationship with a man who made her feel like she couldn't live without him, until she discovered she not only could live without him, but could be at the very top of her game on her own merit, which has become making chocolate. Her business, CocoVaa, has won over 30 international awards, all because she has the talent and drive to succeed in whatever she does. If you feel like the whole world is against you and the odds of succeeding seem impossible, listen to Vata's story. It will give you the hope and inspiration you seek.

Visit Vata's online store at https://www.cocovaa.com/.