Hacker Cultures: The Conference Podcast

Episode 5 (2020): Jérémy Grosman - Algorithmic Objects, Algorithmic Practices

September 02, 2020 Paula Bialski & Mace Ojala Season 2020 Episode 5

Jérémy is a PhD student at the Faculty of Philosophy at the University of Namur in Belgium His work sits between computer science on the one hand and philosophy on the other. 

Jeremy’s talk today takes a deep dive into the daily practices of engineers (practices like implementations, experiments, publications). He says that these practices force engineers to complicate the separation between algorithms, on one side, and problems, on the other. His work focuses on a character named Robin, an engineer working on recommender systems, who he ethnographically observed in his research project. 

In today’s talk, he will focus on describing one bit of Robin’s work, in order to hopefully teach us something about what algorithms, as objects are, in between in between abstract mathematical objects and concrete material objects, and he will attempts to give us an insight into engineering endeavours.