The Aaron Renn Show

Christianity, Conservatism and Crude Oil

January 26, 2021 Aaron Renn

Who financed the rise of conservatism? A large amount of funding came from independent oil producers who were keen to avoid government regulation of their industry. They were at war with the major oil companies that descended from the Rockefeller Standard Oil monopoly, and were rightly concerned that the government might de facto cartelize oil again at their expense.

Christianity, both liberal and fundamentalist, was also heavily funded by oil money. The overlaps between the economic interest of the different camps of the oil industry with theology and politics raises profound, and frankly troubling questions that we should ponder more deeply today.

Bryan Burrough, The Big Rich:

Darren Dochuk, Anointed With Oil:

On HL Hunt supporting Barry Goldwater in 1964:

The Kennedys and Sen. Joseph McCarthy:

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