The Aaron Renn Show

Build Men Up, Don't Tear Women Down (Masculinist #52)

May 11, 2021 Aaron Renn

Henry Kissinger quipped, "No one will ever win the battle of the sexes. There's too much fraternizing with the enemy."  This encapsulates the broader truth about the relationship between the sexes. We are in this boat together. When men struggle, it affects men's relational prospects. But that's also true the other way around. We should want to see women flourish. So in working to build up men, we should not look to tear down women.

Also, in this issue I provide an extended excerpt from my major retrospective on the old White Anglo-Saxon Protestant (WASP) establishment, and the implications of its collapse. As a product of Catholic peasant stock on both sides of my family, this was an interesting one to research. It is also a critical topic to understand the dynamics of our contemporary world.