The Potter Discussion: Harry Potter, Fantastic Beasts and the Wizarding World Fandom

The Perfect Wizarding World Halloween Night!

October 30, 2022 Sound Owl Media Episode 154

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In this episode, we create the perfect Halloween night in the Wizarding World. Enjoy!

·     2:58 What better way to start off our Halloween night than to design a costume. This costume is perfect Halloween. It is, of course, a dementor. First, I need a lot of robes. Our dementor is going to be at least 15 feet tall, so I’ll magically meld several cloaks together and use polls with hands for the arms. For my own head to be the head of the dementor, I need to be at the dementor’s level, so I’ll use a broomstick to fly on. This will also allow for the classic dementor glide. We also need to create the environment of the dementor with some kind of cold spell to make a bubble of freezing cold to really tie this costume together.

·     13:06 Who are we going to invite to the party? Our first set of people will be invited to the much larger school party. The second is much smaller and is much wilder with more games and fun. To begin with the first list, we can assume around 800 people are going to be at the larger party. The trio are going to be there along with Draco. McGonagall will show off her Animagus skills and Flitwick would cast some Halloween themed charms. Umbridge would just try and shut the whole thing down. For the smaller party, just a group of the trio, Fred and George, Luna, Neville, Ginny, Seamus and Dean, Padma and Parvati Patil, Bill and Charlie would be the perfect small group.

·     20:44 Going back to the larger party, what disaster would take place? It was the troll in the first book, so we can rule that one out. A good disaster would be a beast in the forest. The guests leave the party and walk out into the garden and see a huge beast at the edge of the trees with glinting eyes and claws. It slinks away, but it was a close call.

·      26:11 How would we trick or treat? Although my broomstick could take me many places, the rest of the group don’t have the luxury, so we’ll need a different mode of transport. The zouwu would make the perfect creature to aid our effort to collect hoards of candy! Ideally, we would be able to collect thousands of pieces of candy. With some numbers crunched, we could make up to around 300 galleons if we play our cards right after selling it.

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Welcome to the Potter discussion.

Welcome back to the Potter discussion discussing Harry Potter Fantastic Beasts and the Wizarding worlds anthem. I am your host, Oscar, and this is episode 154. Thank you for enjoying that. Well, hello, everyone. Welcome back to the Potter discussion. If you could intelligent wow. Off to a great start. That's a real word. Thank you for joining me on this lovely day. It is Halloween. It is spooky season. The costumes are going out, the parties are starting and candy bowls are filling. So I am very excited to be recording to you today because this is our Halloween episode of the year. Remember last year's Halloween episode? That was a fun one. It's so hard to believe that was a year ago. It feels like it was just like last month, which is so wild how quick the time is going by thinking like, wow, I did 20 episodes. That's crazy. But now we're on like 150. So thank you all for sticking with me all this time. If you are new to the show, then you've got a good episode coming and some more in the future. And if you're a vet, then you know, you know the drill. Got some good episodes coming up and I hope you all enjoy them. I haven't said this in a while, but if you enjoyed the show, why don't you leave a review on Apple podcast or Spotify? Five stars is preferred, of course, for me. But if not, please tell me how I can make it so, because that is why that feature exists. I don't know why I said at the beginning, but there we have it. So this episode is going to be a Halloween themed episode in honor of the wonderful holiday. I believe this episode comes out on the 30 October. So if you're listening to this around the time it comes out, it is either Halloween or is about to be Halloween. I hope you have your costume. I hope it's all set and ready to go. I do have my costume already and I'm going to be, you know, celebrating Halloween with my friends and family. That's going to be really, really fun. I hope you also have a good Halloween. But this is a Halloween episode. I'm getting too sidetracked. This is a Halloween episode. And the theme of this episode is we are going to be designing our perfect Wizarding World Halloween night because Halloween's for us is pretty cool, but for wizards, it is a whole other level. So today we are going to be looking at some different aspects of the Wizarding World Halloween and really discussing how it is absolutely awesome. So if that sounds good to you, stick around. We flipped the order of the intro a bit, so let's do it. Let's get into today's episode. So number one is probably the most important out of this entire episode, and that is the costume. Costumes are a very, very important part of any Halloween party. And a wizarding costume, magical costume is going to be awesome. If you subscribe to the quill and ink, you already know what I'm about to say because I included this in the latest issue, which the link to that is in the show notes. But this is a costume that I absolutely love. I think it is a wonderful thing in the wizarding world to embody for Halloween. It is perfect and I think it is obvious. But if you make it kind of put your own spin on it, really put in the work, it can be a really amazing costume. Of course, I am talking about dementors. A dementor is the perfect creature to be for Halloween. And although you could probably pull it off pretty well as a muggle with just a robe and maybe some gloves, like a spooky kind of theme to it in the wizarding world, this is going to be way too overboard. I had way too much fun typing away for hours just making this the best Dementorlike costume I could think of. And I think I landed on a pretty good idea. So here is pretty much what my plan is for my Dementor costume. So first, of course, I need a lot of robes because I'm not going to settle for just a one, just for a me sized Dementor, because Dementors are like 10ft tall. So my Dementor is going to be like, I mean, at least 15. I got to win up all those other Dementors. I got to be the best Dementor in town. So I'm going to be about like a 15 foot tall Dementor. And I'm very, very close. But unless I'm not 15ft tall. So I'm going to have to do get creative, which is where the next part of this costume comes in. So I need a lot of robes. I say five or six different robes. I might even have to sew another, like a large robe. Because the Dementor cloak is not a typical wizard cloak. It kind of covers their entire body. So I would probably magically modify either, probably meld together a bunch of cloaks magically and then kind of spread them out and make them really thin and kind of ripped and kind of freeze the edges just to make it nice and nice and chilly and cool. And that'll be the outside of my costume. And then what I'll do is I'll probably enchant some kind of like stick or like I'll likely make some kind of like hands as the Dementor hands. And I will enchant those to be at the on the arms of the Dementor because of course my arms, I'm not going to extend my arms all the way like a huge adventure wingspan. And for me, because of course I'm in the costume. So what I'm going to do is my head is going to be at that 15 foot height. But I was trying to think of a way that I could make my head that tall. And stilt did occur to me, but I just thought, this is a magical costume. Who's gonna settle for stilts? So I went with a broomstick, and I was trying to think it through a little bit. I think I would have to stand on the broom stick, but if that's too difficult because you're standing on a little stick that's moving, I think I would probably modify it. So I would probably build, like, a mad eye, moody kind of room and really kind of, like, hit it out with, like, a bunch of different stuff. I probably build, like, a platform and, like, a handle so I could just stand there on my room as it was long. Of course, I don't know if it worked like that, but it's a magical costume. I could figure it out. So I would make that platform. I could stand on it so my head could be that tall. And of course, I could fly the room because it's like, I'm standing on the room, so I am flying it so I could go at a dementor's pace. And the key there is also I could glide, because I'm not walking, I'm not stepping. I'm flying on a broomstick, so that would be really cool. And also, I could make it even more realistic because the broomsticks don't just go, like, a couple feet off the ground, so I could get a little boost of height. They go, like, really high, because, of course, Harry, as a quiddish player, is going, like, hundreds of feet off the ground, and he is really going so, so high. And the dementors were right next to him, which proves that the broomstick can handle it and the dementor can handle it, which means this is perfect. So I could probably, like, swoop down. I could, like, hide in the trees. And we really want to scare someone because the ropes are black, so I could probably just go a couple feet in the air, and they wouldn't notice me. But a couple I mean, like, 30 or 40, because, of course, it's a broomstick, and I could, like, drop down and do be super quick because it's a broomstick and they're pretty agile. Of course, I would have the fire bolt, so I could go really, really quickly. So that's kind of the outside and the mechanics of it. But now for these super duper magical elements. So this is where this is kind of the cherry on top. This is the next piece of the puzzle. This is really where it starts to come together, because this is really the thing that ties this entire costume together. And that is how I really bring it to life, because, of course, a floating, 15 foot tall black to mentor mass is pretty scary. But to make it even more scary is to kind of mimic the feeling that the dementor creates, because of course, anything can be pretty creepy. Any floor, you can see a picture and you're like, oh, that's pretty scary. But what makes the Dementors so terrifying is they're chill, they're cold their despair, and it's just like such a cold, dead feeling. So I would try to mimic that. Of course, I wouldn't make everyone around me just feel horrible about themselves. But the temperature is really what I'm getting at here in terms of what environment I want to create. So, of course, with magic, anything is possible. So what I would do is make kind of like a bubble around myself, like a ring. If you're close, you can feel the cold. So, of course, my little enclosure where my costume actually is, isn't very warm, very nice and warm. But everything else around me is super cold. You know that scene in the Deathly Hollows part one? I think it's the beginning of part two, and maybe the beginning of part one in the Deadly Highlows, where the Dementor is kind of flying towards the school, towards Hogwarts, and they're kind of, like circling around and they form, like, this barrier. That's the kind of vibe I'm going for. Kind of like this gray, just dead there's that close up shot of the flower freezing with Frost the Hand. That is perfect, that exact vibe. Except it's dark out and it's a much bigger Dementor, and it is much colder than that. That is exactly what I am going for here. And I think that's a pretty good costume. I wish I could somehow recreate it in real life. And I'm sure I could with the stilts. Simple enough. I just learned how to walk on stilts. I get a huge black sheet and then I just I guess I could hold, like, sticks with the hands. And I could probably use this. Okay. The more I talk about it, the more possible it is becoming. But I still think that this is an awesome costume. And of course, this year I am not being at a mentor with a bubble of freezing cold around me. Alas, it is a wonderful thing for a wizard or witch to do because that's a really good costume. I can imagine, like, your Harry Ron and Hermione, like, thinking, like, you know, Draco is in for it. Draco is in for a shock, and they can, like, learn him outside or something. Or like when Draco is just, like, taking a walk. I don't know, I guess he does that kind of thing. Then they kind of be the Dementor or, oh, that makes so much more sense. Speaking of three people, how about it's a three person costume. That makes sense. Where one person is kind of like the walker, one person's, like the tall person on the stilts. One person's one arm and one person's the other. That makes sense. Actually. That is how you would recreate this costume in real life. It'd be a multiperson effect. And you could even have more than that. Like, people to kind of like swish the robes and people to do all this kind of stuff. This could be a costume that is very much recreated or even put like a pack on your shoulders where it kind of like a backpack, but then there's like metal kind of stakes that shoot up and go as high as a dementorous head. And there's like a foam shape that's like a head on top so a person doesn't have to be up there. And then that's a one person costume where the person is holding the head and they can still turn, they can still look. So it's still like a real thing. Then they have the hands as the sticks that they can kind of hold out and manipulate. Okay, this is way too much fun. Discussing costumes in the wizarding world is just there's infinite possibilities. So I can see that we're definitely going to run this time over if we continue. But we have a lot of fun stuff to go, so let's move on. So we've got the costume. It's all ready to go. We've got our idea, but now we have to go with people. So who are we going to invite? Who are we going to celebrate this Halloween with? Well, this is going to take a lot of thought. And I think we should make a couple different lists because this is definitely going to change based on where we're going, kind of what we're doing. So I think let's make let's make two different kind of like party groups. So our first one is going to be all of like formal, kind of much larger, much more of like a party, like a ball kind of thing. Kind of like the yule ball, but Halloween where everyone goes and it's kind of a fun time. It's like having a party in the school cafeteria where you're on like, you know, you're being kind of watched and monitored. And it's not completely free, but it's a party and you're having fun. So that's kind of what we're going for, for that kind of list. And the second one is completely different. It is much smaller. It is close friends and family. And it is definitely much more like a party kind of party. Definitely more it's much wilder. And there's definitely a lot more like games and fun. It's definitely a lot later in the night. You don't end at like 530, definitely going at least until like midnight. I mean, come on. So that is the second party that we are going to be designing, but let's start with the first. So I think we can pretty much deduce that a lot of the school will be there. A lot of people will want to be there as it is. The school Halloween part, I mean, who wouldn't? Unless you hate Halloween or you hate someone who's going to be there. There's really no reason to not show up. That is going to be, I think, a lot more people. So I think the majority of the school for sure. But let's not name 1000 people and call it good. So let's say about 700 people are going to be there. I mean, it is a pretty major party. The majority of actually, let's bring it up to 800 just to be fancy. So 800 people are going to be at the Halloween party, but let's make kind of a close circle. So of course, if we're going, then Harry, Ron and Hermione are definitely going to be there. I think they're not going to bring dates because it's not that kind of ball, but they're definitely going to be dancing and stuff like that. So hairline. And hermione, of course. I think definitely Draco and Crab and Goyle and Pansy Parkinson and maybe Blaze just kind of as the opposing group for our situation here. So we've got them, we've got Draco, we've got Harry. Let's stay. I think teacher wise, definitely McGonigal and Dumbledore. That's kind of their specialty. I think McGonigal is definitely going to make an appearance as a cat to spook up the festival. I think Professor Flitwick is definitely going to want to get in on that action because that's kind of his style, for sure is kind of partying, letting his hair down every once and a while. So he's definitely going to take part. I think Slughorn might, but he's definitely going to be more of a watcher than a doer. Snape is not even going to bother showing up. We can say that for sure. And I guess we're not really going off of much of like a year specifically. So let's just kind of talk about every teacher. I think Lupin would definitely show up. He wouldn't go wild on the dance floor. He wouldn't be in the middle of a dance circle, but I think for sure he would definitely be talking to the students. And he would definitely be kind of holding the drink, wearing his nice robes. Let's see, who else? Think Quarrel. Oh, Quarrel. Well, he would have to make a choice because he could either go because it's fun, or he would have to because he's playing the part of really nervous. So he would either have to be kind of there, but in the corner, not really doing anything, or kind of there just like sitting, talking. Because this is just to splice up his character that he's playing a little bit. Let's see who else? Which other defense against the dark art teachers? Oh, umbridge, what would Umbridge do? That's a good question. So, okay, I think there are a couple of routes. Umbridge could go here. She is either going to go because it is a party, like they are allowed to have that, I think. So she would either go and try to facilitate and really make sure it's all ministry approved practices or I think she would just try to shut the whole thing down. She would say, fudge, like, let's get a bill in Parliament and shut down all Halloween parties within a 20 miles radius of Harry Potter. So I think that's the second thing she would do. Kind of the killer of fun, umbridge, in her traditional style. Moody, I think would set up like protective charms around every door and like he would double the castle's defenses because I mean a Halloween party is way too much, way too many people in the same place. So he would try to defend the castle or something like that. And Dumbledore would have to kind of stop and say just like sit down, we're good. So that's kind of the big party. And that's why I think some people that would go but the smaller party, I think we're only going to be inviting friends to this one because, I mean, who would invite Dranko to a Halloween party? So of course we're going. It's at our house. Of course it is. So it's us. And then let's say, of course Harry wanted her money. I mean they're a given. Then I'd say Luna and Neville. That's there. They're definitely going. Fred and George, for sure. Ginny, definitely. I think Seamus and Dean, probably the potatoes. And I'd say I don't know how many close friends Hermione has besides Harry and Ron. I don't know how many close friends Harry and Ron have really besides Hermione. Of course, people in their dormitory is really who they are. They're super close with. So they are of course, going. Like I said, they're Luna, Jenny, let's see, who else could they possibly want? I mean it is a small party. So I'd say, I mean, maybe two people extra because we want to keep this nice and small. So I'd say for two more people. Wow, this is tough. Oh, I know. Billy and Charlie? Yes. That would be a really fun couple of people to have at a Halloween party. I think they would definitely spice it up. Kind of have a nice weasley overload because I think they're definitely party people. So they would love to show up, I think percy absolutely not. But Bill and Charlie would absolutely love to come. So that is a perfect party right there. Harry. Ron hermione. Jeannie neville luna. Fred George. Fred, George, Dean, Jamie, Bill and Charlie. Oh, and end up till that is not a bad group at all. Wow. Yeah. That sounds like a really fun party actually. So I would love to go to that party. So we have the party now. We have everything. But let's go back to the big party because there's an aspect of this that I would like to discuss and it is what disaster would happen. In the first book, it was the troll. I mean there really wasn't any in the second book. So we are really drawing your inspiration off the first one here. So we've got to have a Halloween disaster. Something spooky has to happen. Something that is a little strange that people are questioning. They go to bed and they kind of keep one eye open. That is the next topic of discussion. What thing will happen? What spooky thing will happen? What scare will the castle get? So let's think about this. I'm like a troll. Of course not. We're not choosing troll. That already happened. I think any kind of being going getting into Hogwarts somehow, I think we can kind of rule that out because that's an idea that we've already used. But I'd say maybe some kind of like a mistake by one of the students. Like someone dropped a potion or something like that. Or maybe like a convicted scene in the area. But again, these are all things that have been used. So what's a disaster that could occur? I'd say something like not about the party itself, like the food didn't arrive. Like that's a disaster, sure, but it's not like a Halloween like spooky looking over your shoulder kind of disaster. That's the kind of disaster we are going for. So what could possibly go wrong? This is a tough one. I think you definitely have to think about this one. I've taken a couple of minutes to think and I believe I have landed on a pretty good solution if I do say something to myself. So it doesn't bob a beast. I'm sorry, I couldn't think of another one. But this is, I mean it's a good idea I already use, but that's because it's a good idea. So we are definitely going to be using the beast idea. But it's not in the castle that I'd say is too similar. But it does involve a magical beast. So I am thinking about the forbidden forest. Because even when it's not Halloween, even when it's not Halloween, that is a pretty spooky place. There's a reason it's banned. They don't say Halloween night don't go in the forest. But anyways you can like that's not really how it works. So it would definitely involve the ribbon forest. And I'm thinking a creature might go for a little midnight stroll. As the party is kind of winding down, people are trickling out into the garden. They kind of hear a sound from the forest. And it can be a howl, it can be kind of a growl. But they see kind of moving in the trees, the kind of glinting eyes way too high off the ground for comfort. Not quite dementor level. But if it's a beast on all fours, it should not be that big. And they see it and it's kind of a stare down and everyone's frozen. Cause they all of course the party's over. They're all walking out into the gardens as like a nice, you know, end to the party. And that's when the beast comes out and it's standing at the edge of the forest. And you can see it's huge frame. You can't quite make it out. You don't really know what it is, but it's huge. It's like really, really big. And the claws, you can kind of hear it's kind of grunting and growling and it kind of begins to prowl, you know, along the edge of the trees. And everyone's frozen, everyone is holding their breath. They just see this huge creature. It looks like this huge has horns almost like the Minotaur from Greek mythology. It's like if the Minotaur and like a lion were the same thing. And it had these huge horns, not quite bold horns, but almost like a rumpant horns, kind of like twisting everywhere and really gnarled and you know, really sharp. So it was like this like mountain boar, lion, Minotaur. Scary huge beast. That's what I imagine it is. So that is the disaster that would happen. A close call of a huge beast already for the kill. And before can pounce before can, it can leap away from the trees and charge the students. Dumbledore comes out and the creature is smart enough to know that Dumbledore is not a person to be messed with. So it turns, takes one look and turns and it slinks away and it's huge long spiked tail is whipping away behind it, making slashes in the trees and the bushes. And before long the sound of the creature is gone and the night is quiet once more. Hope you enjoyed that story. I entered like cinematic mode. Wow, that was fun. So that's the disaster that would take place on Halloween night during the party. But there are definitely some more things, more aspects of this to discuss. So let's move on. So our final topic of the day, the final aspect of Halloween trickortreating. This is a very fun aspect of every Halloween night. And we are going to be doing it in style with our amazing costumes. So as fast as a fire bolt with my dimensional costume could go. This is definitely the job for a different mode of transportation. And this is also because a lot of other people like Harry and Ron and Hermione definitely don't have the same level of costume that I do. So we've definitely got to come up with a different solution for them. So they can also get to the huge different places that we are going. So the major element of this is the actual way we are getting around the world. And the world, I literally mean the world because we are going to do this right. So here is how it is going to go down. This is going to utilize the amazing powers of the zoo. The zoo is a magical beast that is featured in Fantastic Beasts. That it is a Chinese creature and it is the one that Newt and Tina used to escape the French ministry. It is huge. It looks like a tiger kind of like a lion tie, that kind of thing. And it's got like that huge Maine and long tail. And it is said that the zoo can reach one end of Paris and one end of London, I think it was, in a single leap. A single leap? How does that even happen? So if it can go that far in one step, it could go around the world in not that long. I mean, an hour at least. So I think this is how we're going to be able to get to all of our locations. And the costume is definitely going to be folded up. And it's kind of like a spring kind of thing where it fits in the palm of my hand and then when I throw it in the air, it explodes and it turns into the costume and it kind of falls down onto me. So it is the perfect and magical costume to be transported. So where are we going to go? Well, the answer is everywhere. We are going to go to every major city, every capital city in every place, everywhere. That is pretty much where we're going. So we're going to every capital of every region in Canada, every capital of every state in the US. The capital of Mexico, so on and so forth. We're going to be going to all these places like London, Paris, Berlin, all the capitals, all that kind of stuff. We're going to like there and then hitting a bunch of different major spots. We're going to do our research. We're going to map out our route, get a bunch of candy. I mean, I'm talking thousands of pieces because we're going to do this right. We're going to use Hermione's extension bag to put all of our candy in so we don't have to carry around tens, dozens of dozens of pounds of candy. And it is going to be a wonderful night because that is going to be the most trick or treating ever. We're going to use the powers of the Zohu with an amazing costume. And you know that like that cool house that gives out like, kingsized candy bars? Yeah. We're going to do our research. We're going to magically find every single one of those houses in every capital and go to all of them to get the most candy. We're going to have thousands of dollars worth of candy, so many gallons worth that we're going to be drowning in gold. So this is a business plan more than it is a night of fun. Because once we have all this candy, we'll keep like, about 100 pieces for ourselves just as consolation. But of the other thousands of pieces that we have, we're going to sell them. We're going to do it. And in Hogwarts, there's a really good candy market. Wizards are fiends for sweets, for candy crab and Goyle alone would buy the entire thing, but we'll probably have CA nut for a piece that's. A pretty good deal and cause a cadet's like what? Like 32 cadets to a galleon, which is like $7, I think the math is. So of course, wizard money makes absolutely no sense, but a canuck for a piece is a pretty good deal for this kind of thing. And let's see. Let's do the math on this r1 quick. Okay, so before we even go selling, I'm going to make a quick change to our business plan because I just did some math and there are 493 kunuts in a gallon. So I'm going to raise the price a little bit because that is not a great margin. That's like two gallons per thousand pieces. That's like I don't know, I don't know about that. So definitely not going to be a good business plan. So I'm going to raise it to 1010 canuts. Well, actually, no, because who carries around ten canuts? Alright, let's make it a sickle. A sickle for five pieces. That is going to be what we're doing. No, for three. Sickle for three. Okay, business, folks, business. Okay. A sickle for three pieces of candy and a sickle, there are 17 sickles in a gallon. So okay, I'm going back to the drawing board to do some more math. And it turns out that if we sell three pieces of candy for one sickle each, that is, if there are 17 sickles in a galleon, we will be able to sell about 50 pieces of candy for one gallon, which is a really good deal actually. And say we collect, I mean, if we're talking thousands of pieces, if we collect thousands of pieces of candy for, I don't know, let's call it 10,000. Between every single person in our group, we have 10,000 pieces of candy and let's say 150 king size just to make it nice and nice and generous. So 10,000 pieces of candy, if it is a one galleon for 50, let's call it tensicles for one king size, I'd say that's fair enough. So if it's tensicles for a king size, we have 150, that is 1500 sickles to sell the lot and then divide that by 17 to get the number of gallons, it comes out to about 90. So 90 gallons plus 200 gallons, which we did the math on before. For the regular candy, for the 100 candy that we collected, that's almost 300 gallons. 300. I mean, Harry's prize for winning the Triwizard tournament was 1000, which is, I mean, really good. That's a lot of money. But that means 300 just for selling little pieces of candy. That's pretty good. I'm just saying there's a market for it in Hogwarts. There is a market for it. And this is that, this is, that is, this is the episode and that is it. Thank you for joining me for this episode. This is really fun, actually. I've never done so much math in the one episode in my life, and I very much hope to keep it that way. So there we go. That's the episode. I really hope you enjoyed this episode. Hope you have a wonderful Halloween if you celebrate it. And if you don't, enjoy the end of October. Going into November. Winter is my favorite season, as it happens. So I am definitely looking forward to the snow, the cold, the defrost, the cups of hot chocolate, and the wonderful time of being with friends and family. So thank you again for joining me today. If you enjoyed this episode, consider leaving a review. Like I said at the beginning of the show, if you really enjoy what you hear, make sure you leave five stars so I can know that I'm doing something right. And if you don't, make sure you leave instructions on how I can make it five stars for you. So thank you for doing that if you do, and I would like to know what you're dressing up for Halloween, because that's very interesting for me. So next to you, you send me an email that is let me know what you think of this episode. Let me know what you're doing for all of me. I'm very interested to know. Of course, I am at the Potter discussion on Instagram and at potter. Underscore discuss on Twitter. That is, at potter. Underscore discuss on Twitter. Again, thank you for joining me for this episode. And as always, remember that happiness can be found even in the darkest times. If one of them remembers to turn on your light. I will see you later.

This was The Potter Discussion. 

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