The Potter Discussion: Harry Potter, Fantastic Beasts and the Wizarding World Fandom

QuizMaster: Newt Scammander

Sound Owl Media Episode 164

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In this episode, we test out knowledge on Newt Scammander. Enjoy!


  • Where does Newt live?
  • Which bank did Newt meet Jacob?
  • Why did Newt say he was in America?
  • Much more!

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Welcome to the Potter discussion.

Welcome back to the Potter discussion, discussing Harry Potter fantastic beast in the wizarding World fandom. I'm your host, Oscar, and this is episode 163. Thank you, everyone, for tuning in today. It is a pleasure to be speaking to you. Now, unfortunately, I was sick last week. I was not feeling great. It was certainly not the time to record an episode. A lot of things are happening. I just knew that even if I could force myself to the studio, it would not be the quality that you all deserve. So I absolutely feel good about putting up that episode. My favorite episode of 2023. But we're moving right along. We are moving right along in this new year besides the rocky start. We're just going to plow straight ahead with this episode. And it has been a long time since we have done one of these. But today we are doing a quizmaster and none other than Newt Scamander himself. That is right. Today we are doing a Quiz Master. Newt Scamander. So this is an episode that I've had on the old notebook of mine for a very long time. I saw just like suddenly it was like a month ago. Suddenly I just had a storm, just a flood of ideas of things that I wanted to talk about. And I put them all down. So I have like, ideas until February for things that we're going to be talking about on the show. And I'm really excited to be cracking them open. And I thought I'd be recording this a bit earlier, of course, with the different little schedule changes that didn't quite work out. But I had the idea for this episode when I was rewatching the Fantastic Beasts little trilogy. And I saw a bunch of these little things that I was thinking like, wow, that'd be perfect for a Quiz Master episode. Oh, look at that. That would be perfect. So I was like, you know what? You know what? Let's just do it. So that's when I wrote down this episode. And a lot of these facts are just little things that I've been noticing. So it may be a little bit more of a difficult Quiz Master because these are things that I was noticing in the film. So it is, of course a film based Quiz Master, but that should be to advantage to some degree because a lot of it is very visual. Very visual. So that is the plan for today's episode. Before we get into today's episode, I will remind you that if you have anything you want to say to me, whether it be a question, a comment, or anything, when here on the show, you can send me an email. My email is the Potter That is the Potter You can also reach out Instagram. My instagram is at the podder discussion. And if you enjoyed the show, consider leaving a five star review on Apple podcast Spotify or Pod Chaser. All right, let's get into today's episode. Veteran of Quizmaster. You know exactly how this next section works, but if you are not, let me give you a quick overview. So for Quiz Master, we have three main sections. In the episode. We have the Warm Up Round, which consists of three rapid fire questions just to get your brain juices flow. And so you can answer the questions with great accuracy. Then we're into the main round, which is seven questions of varying difficulty that will range from family life to residency to anything you can think of. And the final section is a nice quick section that will be carried into the next episode, which is the Challenge Question. The Challenge Question is a very difficult question. That is a question that you might have to take the week to think of, or take the couple of days, watch the film again, see whatever I'm talking about, really get your answer. And then in the next episode, episode 164, I will be revealing the answer. So warm up around main round and challenge question the warm up round. Let's do this. So I'm going to ask you three questions. I'm not going to be pausing in between. I'm just going to ask you the question question. And then we'll go through all of them at the very end of this round and tell the answer. So these are meant to be easy. These are just quick, just things that you can just begin thinking about newt and Fantastic Beast and things that just kind of transport you back enough and then kind of gives you a good view for the upcoming main round. So here are your three questions for the Warm Up round. What is Newt's professional title? What house was he in? And where does Newt live? All right, you got that. You got that. So think about your answers. It shouldn't be that difficult to really come up with them if you have seen the film as much as I have, but also if you've seen the film at all. So these are things that you definitely should be able to get. They are varying. Some are in the first summer, in the second, some are in the third. But definitely information that's carried over between films. So these are no secrets. These are no nothing. You can use common sense. You wouldn't even have to see in the film to get a lot of these right. So super easy. All right. All right, number one. So now we're going to go through the answer. So, number one, and what is Newt's professional title? Newt is, of course, the world's leading, albeit only magazoolologist. He deals with magical creatures great and small. The Kelpies, the little I don't know anything. Little magical creature name here. Anything. Bow Truckle. There it is. That's another small one. Kelpies to bow truckles. He should put that on his window. So there we go. He's a magistrate. Walter just got his dancer for number one. Number two, what houses nude in, of course, Hufflepuff. We see this in flashbacks in The Crimes of Grindelwald and we see Dumbledorean saying a few points. Hufflepuff in The Secrets of Dumbledore. So there we go. And number three, where does Newt live? London. He lives in London. Jacob and Queenie show up and fortunately Jacob may have been hoodwinked into coming and Newt wakes him up and Queenie runs out and Jacob's like, Where are we? Where are we? And I mean, I love this scene and of course, Nuke goes London. And Jacob goes, I always wanted to go here, so love that scene. But that is where we find the answer to question number three. So there we have it. That is the quick, short, just BIM bamboom warm up round. I hope you are somewhat ready to get into the main round because that is coming up right now. For the main round. We've made a passing work around. I hope you are ready to go. We've got seven questions ripe for the answering and like I said, these may be a little more difficult, but I did try to intersperse some more easy questions in here as well. So that's not dilly dally. Let's just get straight into this. So, question number one, this is a difficult question to start off with. I'm sorry. We have so, okay, question number one. What class Order of Merlin does Newt have? It is true, Newt does have an Order of Merlin. And the question is, is it third class? Second class? Is it first class? Is it 15th class? What is going on here? Well, this is a difficult one and I think I'm not 100% sure if it is talked about in the film, but I do remember I read it somewhere in a book about that Newt has an Order of Merlin and that's why I have this question. Could you probably guess? I mean, there are not that many options and just based on what Newt did for New York and then eventually what he did for the world, I'd say you probably make a pretty solid guess of what Newt is going on here. So I think this is definitely a more difficult one because it is not directly talked about. If I said what does Newtier, what is what is Jacob's job like? I mean, all right, but this is definitely a more difficult one, I'd say. And it is certainly one that you have to think about pretty deeply in order to get or just think back to other than the book that I read, I'm sure you could show you've read that too, at least. So just think about it for a second. I think that is probably long enough. If you've got it, good job. If you've not got it, then here's the answer. So Newt has an order of Merlin second class, which is, I'm happy to say, higher than Gil Derry Lockhart. So there is a win in itself. I think Dumbledore has a class one, so if that gives you any kind of perspective. Of course Dumbledore defeated Grindelwald and he's done a lot of amazing things. He is definitely top dog, so that is for sure a first class Merlin. And I'd say Lockhart, it was revoked, but the person he was before, saving villages, helping the poor, lifting up those below him, that's definitely a third class Merlin kind of deal. And Newt helping out Dumbledore, save the world, doing a lot of really cool stuff for animals and being a really cool person, I'd say that is definitely a second class Merlin kind of guy. So there we have it. That is the very first question of the day and the very first answer. And now moving right along to question number two. In which department did Newt spend most of his time at the Ministry of Magic? Not want to use your knowledge of the film per se, but rather your knowledge of Newt. Now that is your hint because this is a pretty easy question if you know really the direction in which you should be thinking, because you certainly can answer this question if you just think a little bit into who Newt is. And if you think of all the departments in the Ministry, which one is perfect for him? It's pretty obvious. So just go through, think of all the departments in the Ministry, just think of all these different things. One would work better for him if another one, maybe he catches Dark Wizard, maybe he works magical games and sports. I don't know. I don't know. So I chose this question because I think it is definitely one that we can absolutely guess and it is so unbelievably obvious that it is almost like impossible to get wrong if you know where to direct your thoughts. I don't know if I'm really explaining this well at all, but it is a pretty easy question. I'm going to put that that's a pretty good hint by itself. And I think just saying that it's a pretty easy question I think definitely helps out because there's a lot of different departments in the Ministry, a lot of which with maybe like a little tiny job that would be good for Newt, like I don't know, like an experimental charms. Maybe if someone accidentally got turned into like an animal and Newt has to go bring them out, our magical creature Newt would have to transfer them back. Or maybe if they couldn't fix it, maybe he would have to feed them or give them a place to sleep. And of course you couldn't really sleep in your house, it was like a dragon. So it'd be pretty difficult. So I think that's definitely those little things, like I'm sure there's things for Newt wherever he would go, but there's an apartment where it's really perfect for him. And I think that now is the perfect time to reveal the answer. So Newt spent his time at the Ministry in the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures. Of course he did. Of course he did. If you got it right, you're like, yes, of course. You're throwing your hands in the air. You didn't. You're smashing your face. Of course, dad, you forgotten that. So there you go. That's a pretty easy one, I'd say. Oh, well, for Newt, I mean, he's a magical creatures guy. He loves them. He's a magic zoologist. That's what he does. So, of course, he works with magical creatures in the Ministry. It's question one or two. And now we are moving on to question number three. Question number three, and I'm giving you a hint right now, or right now in a second. So listen up very closely. This question is similar to the last question. There you go. There you go. That is your answer. And this is definitely, again, another bit of a slightly easier one, because it is a very memorable scene in which we receive the answer to this question. So question number three is, what is Newt's biggest fear? What does he fear the most? Is it ghouls? Is it ghosts? Well, it's none of those, I can tell you. But what is his greatest fear? That is the question today question. Because Newt is really a guy who doesn't seem to have many fears. Of course he fears what Grindelwald might do with the world, but he doesn't really exactly fear Grindelwald himself, which I always thought was interesting. And I think in Newt's look on life like, his view is so unique, I think it allows him to really see things that other people don't. Like. There are no dangerous creatures, just blinkered people. That's one of his famous things. And like a Middlehead, like all these things. He's just such an interesting person and he has so many interesting ideas that he is not necessarily afraid of the traditional things, because a big scary monster is just like a friend of Newt, just like a friend of him that he keeps in his case. People always say you always fall in love with monsters. I mean, Newt newt is like a hagrid. In this case, like Aragog. I think many people would consider Aragog, like, just about the worst thing that's ever existed since the dinosaurs. And they don't really like Aragon very much, to say the least. But Newt, I'm sure we'd be great friends with Aragog. I mean, they're like best buds. So you kind of see what I mean here. Newt isn't afraid of things. He's probably only afraid well, probably. I certainly have no idea. He is most likely afraid of something that would tie him down, you know, something that wouldn't allow him to explore and be curious and help the world. Giving you so many hints. I'm giving you so many hints. So this is definitely one that I admire about New, and I think his worst fear is certainly something that we can deal with. So I've delied long enough. What is Newt's greatest fear? Well, Newt's commander's greatest fear is having to work in an office. So, I mean, just what do you know? That is what millions, billions of people do every single day. And Newt is terrified of it because it'll tie him down. He won't be able to be in the world. He won't be able to talking to amazing people and helping creatures and doing what he absolutely loves. So I think that is definitely a fear that is very fitting with Newt as a person. We all know really what he's all about. And having his worst fear as having to work in an office is just perfect, because that is exactly what his worst fear is. I mean, it works so well. He's a free spirit, and having to work in an office would keep him down. He doesn't find freedom in his work. He finds freedom in the world. So I think that is a good place to end this question. And now we shall move on to question number four. And it is a hard one, so let's move on. This next question is a difficult one. It is a very difficult one indeed. It is so difficult that I had to put it in this episode. So this is question number four. And this question is definitely one of the hardest in this episode. So certainly brace yourself for this one. Here it is question number four. Which bank did Newt meet Jacob? Except the answer the bank in New York. That is not the the correct answer. I'm looking for a name here, I really am. And it is definitely said, it is definitely spoken. So I think it should not be impossible, but certainly it is going to be difficult. So I like these bank scenes, actually. I think I really like the sequence of Newt trying to find Teddy, who is running around and meanwhile Jacobs in his interview and the whole thing and applying for the loan, and he doesn't get and he walks out and he's so sad. And there's the egg and Teddy's in the elevator, and the elves are closing, closing, closing your eggs. Hatching your eggs. Action. Closing, closing, closed. Boom. Sudden apparatus of stairs hatching. Wow. So it's a crazy creature. And then the scene where Jacobs the first time I saw that in the theaters, I laughed out loud. When Jacob sits down, he's just like, and now I'm here. I love that scene, that little moment so much. And then, of course, they run down to the Volts. That is a very thick door. I suppose at that time, then, that was the most security they could provide. Just literally difficult to get into the vault. I suppose it worked, but I wonder how strong it really is. I'm sure it's bomb grade. So that is certainly a very wonderful scene and I very much enjoyed it. So that is the little scene that I'm talking about in that particular bank. The question is, what is that bank? And I'm not sure if there are like signs for it or if there's like I don't know, maybe if there's like say they say it at one point, but it is definitely in the zeitgeist of the story. So you should not have to rock your brains to figure it out. Okay, I think that is enough time that I've given you to think of the answer to this question. But here is the answer. The bank that in which Newt meets Jacob is the Steen National Bank. That is the answer. The Steen National Bank. Not the Steen National Bank. The Steen Steen National Bank. There we go. That is the answer. The National Bank. And of course, if you did not get, which I imagine quite a few of you did not, it's a difficult question, not to worry because I doubt that is going to be a fact that you will need in your life. But definitely keep that in mind for Hairput of Trivia. If you're going out with your friends and they say, what was the bank at Newt met Jacob? Raise your hand because you know the answer. So there you go. I have equipped you for life, but there you have it. That is the fourth question. But now let's move to the fifth question, which I think should be a touch easier, but I think perhaps not a whole lot. Let's move on straight along to question number five, which I think is one that is certainly along the same lines as the bank question because the answer is found in the very same scene. So here is the question. Question number five. Which Quidditch position did Newt play in school because he was a Quidditch player? And I like this question actually, because the answer is given to us in a pretty funny way. I think it's definitely a Newt way of giving out the answer. So I definitely love this question. I really, really want to put it in here. So quidditch is certainly a staple at Hogwarts. That is like the sport. Quidditch is the football of South America or anywhere, now that I think about it. So it is definitely a huge deal. Every single student loves watching the Quidditch games and it is every first year's dearest ambition to be the seeker of their House team. And that is certainly what Newt aspired to and that is certainly what Newt got. So Newt was a player on his Quidditch team, but the question here is which position did he play in? And I think this is a question that you can narrow down again, just knowing who Newt is. Because of course, if you can imagine Newt whacking these huge metal cannon balls of people's heads, I'd say definitely watch the film again to perhaps get a better idea of who knew it is. So the Bludgers, I mean, perhaps not definitely not a beater, but there are so many other positions of the British game that you may not be able to get the right answer. So this answer is given to us, like I said, by Newt. And I will give you, I think, a couple of hints, because this is definitely a line in which Newt says the answer that you'll be able to kind of extrapolate from the film if I even give you kind of the slightest idea of really where this is. So Newt is outside the bank and he is talking to Mary Lou Barebone, who is giving a speech about there being witches among us. And she singles out Newt. They have a quick conversation in which Newt reveals that he is a quidditch player. And the question is, which position did he say he was? So there we go. That is really the question today. And I think imagining like new playing quidditch is definitely not what I expect. But I think it definitely makes sense because, I mean, he's definitely a sporty guy and he likes to kind of be be whipping around through, I mean, the water with a kelpie and kind of chasing these huge, like, birds throughout his house and, you know, seeking for the little nifflers, beating the great huge creatures back. So it's definitely ordeal for Newt to be in the critics team, but I imagine it being quite fun. But I don't think he may have fit in with the Hufflepuff team very well. But then again, it is the Hufflepuff team, so how bad could it be? I think Newton is definitely with his people on this one for sure. But that is that what is the answer? What is the answer to this question? Well, I said it earlier. I said he loves to chase around these huge birds in his house. And it is true he loves to chase things and that is exactly what the answer is. He is a chaser. He was a chaser either. And he says that to Merrily Bamboo. And there they're talking and she says, you friend, what brings you to our city, to this city? She says, are you a Seeker? And goes, no, I'm more of a chaser, really. So I think that was definitely something that I really enjoyed, how he kind of told us that answer. And actually when I was talking about all the huge birds, I said, chasing all these huge birds and I didn't think that that would be that, didn't want that to give away the answer. So that I kind of snuck in the beat and the seeking too. So I missed a little bit, but I saved myself. So there you go. If you got the answer right, then good job. I mean, this is definitely a good question to know and a good scene to remember. But that is question number five. And we have two more questions to answer before the challenge question, and these are definitely some quick ones. So let's move on. Six is another difficult one, but I think you will be able to get it. Now you're moving right along. So what is question number six? Question number six is why did Newt say he was in the US. When he is taken in by Tina into Mccusa? So Newt is with Jacob, and Jacob escapes, and Tina is like, what the what? And Tina shows him her fake ID and they go into well, it's not fake, it's just out of date. And Tina takes nude into macuza. And then while they're walking in, newt tells Tina all about why he is in the US. So why does he do this? What is his reasoning? Well, this is a difficult question, but Newt says that he is in search of an Appalooza Puff scheme. There's a fun word to say, if I do say so myself, I do like to say that word. But that is why Newt says he is in the US. It is to find an Appaloosed Puffski and Tina shuts him down. She says, we shut that guy down a year ago. So unfortunately, Newt will not be able to get his Appaloosa Puffski, but that is why he says he is in New York. And I mean, why do a transition? Let's just get straight into the next question. We've got things that it blazes to be. So the 7th question is who is his granddaughter in law? So this is a fun one. Who is Newt's granddaughter in law? This is a fun question, and I think perhaps one that you have to think about but not think about. All right? So this is not a question where you're meant to go from Newt and think about who he married and what kids they had, and then think about what his kids married and what they this is not the kind of question we're supposed to do that my interview is work backwards. Start from the bottom, go to the top. This is certainly a fact you've heard before. Just rack your brains and figure it out. Who is his great granddaughter in law? And I'm being very specific with this because I think it is a character that we all know quite well. And I think if you know it, you probably know it by now. So Newt's granddaughter in law is none other than Luna Lovegood. This is such a fun connection that they are related. Their families are intertwined so closely and they are I mean, Luna probably talked to Newt. Luna probably did. And that is such a strange thing to think about that the connection between Fantastic Beasts and Harry Potter is so close in the main round. And that wraps up the episode. I want to thank you all for tuning in this week. It was a pleasure to talk about Newt with you all for a couple of minutes out of your day. If you have any questions, comments or anything on here in the show about this episode, you can always send me an email. My email is the Potter That is the Potter You can also reach on Instagram. My instagram is at the Potter discussion. And of course, if you enjoyed this episode, if you enjoyed the show in general, consider leaving a review on Apple podcast spotify. Your podcaster, Five stars is of course, preferable. And that is pretty much it. No, I did not forget about that challenge question. I was leaving it for suspense. So here's a challenge question. Get ready. This is a challenging question. All right. What boat company does Newt use to get back to London? I'll say that one again for you. What boat company does Newt use to get back to London? That is the challenge question for this week, and that answer you will find in next week's episode. Thank you very much for joining me and as always, remember that happiness can be found even in the darkest of times if one only remembers to turn on the light. I will see you you later.

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