Be the Best Nanny Boss Ever
Sponsored by United Nanny Agency, using a human touch with a tech edge to create happy families, and the only agency offering nanny training and a matchmaking gold touch to match family and nanny faster and simpler. Learn more at www.unitednanny.org This is the family, nanny, and nanny agency approved podcast, here to give you the best advice on how to find a nanny and then keep them. Reach out and connect at Danny@UnitedNanny.org More: Danny J Rosenthal is the author behind Nanny ABCs: The Sitter’s Handbook, host of Nanny ABCs’ Next Step Podcast and founding President of Nanny ABCs, the only A-Z personalized caregiver professional training. His program keeps families and caregivers from reinventing the wheel. Rosenthal has been recognized by Collegiate Nannies for his Outstanding Performance; his expertise has been featured by the US Nanny Association, CareNectar, Adventure Nannies, Seattle Nanny Network, Care.com, EngineHire, Association of Premier Nanny Agencies. Rosenthal presented at the 2021 US Nanny Conference and is presenting at their 2022 and the up coming 2022 INA conference.
Be the Best Nanny Boss Ever
Episode 6: Creating a Connection with Children featuring Carla Ward
Creating a connection with children - whether you're a tutor, babysitter, teacher, or coach - isn't instant and it isn't guaranteed. Carla Ward, an experienced Early Childhood Educator and the visionary founder of Early Learning Foundations, is showing us why it is important to meet children where they are. Show them respect and how to begin building a rapport to create a successful relationship.
Carla Ward is dedicated to promoting education and elevating the profession of Early Childhood Education. With over 18 years of diverse experience in education, Carla has held various roles and is committed to the growth and development of children.
As a certified Wunder-Led educator, Carla infuses her work with a sense of wonder and passion that permeates into every aspect of her business. Carla is dedicated to the Early Childhood Education profession in many ways, including hosting The Everything ECE Podcast, offering professional development workshops, ECE consulting and an online tutoring business. Carla loves to share actionable and inspiring ideas with fellow educators both in and out of the classroom to help support professional practices in Early Childhood Education.
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Visit www.UnitedNanny.org
Get Nanny ABCs: The Sitter’s Handbook: A complete alphabet how-to guide for every child caregiver.
Reach out and CONNECT, schedule a time with one of United Nanny Agency's experts HERE.
Your happiness is important to us. From start to finish our unparalleled process creates high quality family and nanny matches faster than other agencies and care platforms. Our tech edge and human touch takes away stress.
Questions or Comments? Danny@unitednanny.org
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