Succeed In A&P

How the Pandemic will Shape this Fall Semester

August 01, 2021 McGraw-Hill Education Season 3 Episode 17

Listen to hear some of the top things higher education has learned from the COVID-19 pandemic and how it will likely shape the future. Join host Valerie Kramer, McGraw Hill, as she returns to the podcast and summarizes research from a May 2021 report by Tyton Partners and the Association of Chief Academic Officers (ACAO). Read more in this article published by Fierce Education.

What challenges did we face?
1. Student Engagement, 2. Inclusion, 3. Effective Digital Learning

What did we learn to shape the Fall semester?
1. Provide faculty support
2. Quality digital tools are important
3. Expand professional development 
4. Evaluate the impact on various student populations
5. Ensure students have access to necessary equipment