The Happy Apple


March 16, 2020 The Balanced Nutritionist

Nicole and Katie are both pregnant!
In case you missed it, the girls are currently (at time of recording) roughly 18 weeks along. Optimising health through nutrition has been a hot topic for many months now, so we've decided to break this often overwhelming topic down for our listeners, starting with nutrition for preconception.
In this episode Nicole and Katie talk about:
-the optimal length of time to allow for the 'preconception' period
-what key nutrients to optimise through your diet
-what lifestyle habits you might want to consider adapting and why
-how nutrition can help optimise your menstrual cycle, assist with egg quality and even benefit sperm health.
And ultimately, why its all worth doing before you even fall pregnant!
Enjoy and be sure to share this with any friends or family that you know who may be trying to fall pregnant.