My American Friend
A podcast about My American Friend, no kidding. We'll talk about whatever topic comes to mind. It's free thought, free association, religion, politics, food, Covid-19, not necessarily in that order of course, as a way of gaining an insight and an understanding into someone else's life, particularly during this most challenging of times. It's a way to connect. I want to know what's happening outside of my sphere of influence, so yeah, I guess 15,000km or 9,000 miles away, I felt, was a good place to start.Why? I blame my Dad. He introduced me to Alistair Cooke's Letter(s) from America. I was always fascinated by that, although in this case, I'm from Australia, but I'm speaking to someone from America...anyway...I digress.Please sit back, relax, grab yourself a VB, or a Schlitz or in my case an ice cold Coca-Cola and I hope you enjoy listening to My American Friend. Acknowledgements; Australian and American flag artwork designed by www.slon.pics'. American' font 'Marcelle' designed by Clement Nicolle. Donate here clementnicolle@gmail.com. Music by Lost Horizons. Purchase here www.premiumbeat.com/royalty-free-tracks/great-feelings
My American Friend
My American Friend - Season 1 Ep 9 - Sonya from Missouri (Mental Health Special Edition)
Val / Sonya
Season 1
Episode 9
My American Friend Sonya, lives in Missouri. She is a Licensed Master Social Worker, Qualified Mental Health Professional and all round SuperMom.
We talk about Mental Health, Medication, PTSD and growing up in St Joseph. She generously gives me an insight into her life and work, during these most challenging of times.
Recorded November 29 2020.
Acknowledgements; Australian and American flag artwork designed by www.slon.pics
"American" font 'Marcelle' designed by Clement Nicolle. Donate here clementnicolle@gmail.com
Music by Lost Horizons. Purchase here www.premiumbeat.com/royalty-free-tracks/great-feelings
Co-Creator Vanessa Hart Miller