Just Meee!

Jan Cavelle - From a cupboard under the stairs to furnishing the world...

Sid Madge / Jan Cavelle Season 1 Episode 5

Jan is an author, writer and speaker. But that doesn’t go anywhere near explaining what she really is. Jan is amazing, determined, resourceful, bloodyminded (her words) and pragmatic. A true entrepreneur at heart and a great believer in the part entrepreneurs play in any economy.

Jan started her own furniture business as a single Mum from a cupboard under the stairs, knowing next to nothing about business. But, having the tenacity to make it work in order to survive she battled and thrived.

What I love about Jan is her ability to find joy in writing about her experiences and sharing her knowledge with so many.

Her new book 'Scale For Success’ will be published on the 4th February 2021!