Spiritual Sexual Shamanic Podcast

Music, Sensuality & Cultivating Conscious Sexuality: Raffaello Manacorda

International School of Temple Arts Season 3 Episode 28

A life full of creativity, sensuality, beauty, and connection… How to cultivate it?

In this episode, we talk with ISTA Lead Faculty member Raffaello Manacorda about what it means to bring the culture of conscious sexuality into your life, and how to share it with those around you. And it's not just about sex. We can do this through delicious meals, slow walks through the forest, cuddles on the couch, and moving our bodies in ways that feel good. We can also do it by listening to music that carries the energy of the reality we are calling in, and maybe learning how to play it.

Raffaello led the creation of the first ISTA Songbook, a compilation of songs written and performed by musicians from the ISTA community. We discuss how the songbook came to be, listen to some he has developed a close connection to, and dive deep into their unique gifts.

You can visit the songbook yourself here