Spiritual Sexual Shamanic Podcast

How to Make Your Soul-Calling a Reality: Makatu

International School of Temple Arts Season 3 Episode 32

What does my soul really want, and how do I dream it? Then, how do I make it a reality? In this episode, ISTA faculty member and CEO of the conscious dating app, Lua, Makatu Roni, guides us through some answers to these questions. For him, they hold the key to what is missing in the world right now. He tells his story of manifesting his soul-calling in Lua and, before that, the ecstatic dance community in Israel. It is so important, he says, to become aware of where we, ourselves, shine. Maybe it’s in a surprising way, or in an unexpected role. Then, we must be patient. Opportunities will arise. And when they do, go for it! See it all the way through... Tune in for this and more. 

You can download the Lua app here: https://www.lua.earth/